Tony Stark- Soulmates

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[Is anyone from Venice Beach?]

Tony doesn't like being attached to people. Too many feelings. But the Soulmates problem, with the stupid digital clock on his wrist, is inevitable.

Things with him and Pepper had been going great. That is, until she had found her soulmate and left that very day.

He doesn't really understand all the hype about finding his supposed 'match made in heaven', because all the other person is, is a person. One who has the other half of his soul. But still a person.

00days 2hours 12minuets 56seconds

Tony pretends not to look at the numbers as he checks his watch. It's late at night and his insomnia is acting up again. His routine for that problem is to work on his suits, modifying then until he can't think straight.

But he has the strangest urge to go on a walk. Like actual exercise. He shakes his head, gets suited up, and flies all the way to California.

He lands somewhere on the beach in Venice. It's cold and it smells like sea salt, and Tony can't really hear anything other than the ocean.

He steps out of the suit, really not excepting the large hole as he walks. So he's about waist deep in a man made pit, cursing angrily, when a soft tap on his shoulder makes his jump.

And when he turns, through the darkness, he meets (e/c) eyes and his time stops.

"H-Hi," she says, brushing a piece of hair out of her face as the wind picks up. "Need some help?"

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