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I was tagged by TheGameIsOn97 to do a 10 facts about me challenge thingy.

1. Ever prank called someone?
Yes. So okay. Story time. It was went I was in like fourth or fifth grade. My friend had just gotten a cellphone and it was he end of the year, and this guy decided to write his number in the yearbook. So we're like, why don't we prank call him. And at that time, we didn't know that the person could see her number, so we called him. He answered, we couldn't stop laughing, we hung up. Five phone calls later, we managed to choke out a "this is pizza delivery" and hung up. The mom ended up calling and yelling at us. My friend got her phone taken away after that. It was hilarious.

2. Favorite superhero:
Red Hood. Though he's really more of an anti-hero, but whatever. He's still my sinnamon roll cx.

3. Tattoos/piercings I want:
I know tattoos hurt, but they're just so pretty. But then they're bad for when you grow older and go to job interviews and crap. I still want one though. Like maybe something with a swirly, colorful design on my wrist? Or some aesthetic looking thing. Idk cx.

I already have six piercings and I plan on getting more. They're all on my ear, though, and I'm thinking about getting a nose piercing bc they look awesome.

4. One random fact about me:
My friend and I sang at my Jr. High graduation. We sounded like dying cats. And there were 700+ people there. All my old classmates and their families. I will always remember that horror.

5. My dream job:
Something with astronomy. I love stars and space and all that, but I don't even know what jobs to look at.

6. One thing on your bucket list:
To travel the world? I know this is one mostly everyone has on their bucket list, but it seems wicked and I'd love to do it.

7. Where I'd love to live:
Oregon seems like a cool place. The rain, the nature. It has my kinda vibe.

8. Favorite songs:
Death of a Bachelor by p!atd
Car Radio by tøp
O by Coldplay
Still Sane by Lorde
Midnight City by M83
Starman by David Bowie
Bite My Tongue YMaS
Demons by Imagine Dragons
Bastilles cover of No Scubs
(So many more but too many to list)

9. Where I want to be right now:
Somewhere in a forge in county under a pile of blankets bc it's cold on a chair outside that's on a balcony over looking a forest drowning in fog. Also with a fat dog on my lap.

10. Favorite books:
The 5th Wave Series
Maze Runner Series
Hush, Hush Series
The Lunar Chronicles
Shatter Me Series
Harry Potter Series
Shiver Series
(So many more but I can't think rn cx)

I tag: annie_stark , avadatothekedavra , winchester-soldier, marvels_agents100 , Yavanna80 ,and thefirstavenger-

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