Steve Rogers- Well Done

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[Its starting again oh no..]

Your hands are shaking as you stumble forward, barley able to support yourself as you tread on.

It's dark; pitch black and freezing. Or maybe your eyes and just closed and you're shivering from the large amount of blood you've lost.

Yeah. You're pretty sure that's it.


A whimper escapes your lips as your feet stop moving, cementing you to the ground as the man glides closer.

"Open your eyes, too."

You follow his command, and squint when the bright light of the warehouse makes your eyes water.

"Isn't this fun?" He's not talking to you anymore and a small pang of relief burns in your chest. "Watching your teammate hobble around with a broken ankle? Or was it knee?"

He pauses, and continues walking until he's in front of you. His black eyes force their way inside your head, into your soul, until there's nothing left and you're staring dumbly into space.

"Now," He places a hand on your shoulder, but you don't even register it as he guides you to Clint. "Kill him."

"(Y/n)," Clint breathes, struggling in the bindings to sit up. "Please. Please don't do this. You have to wake up. Get him out of your-"

Your arm whips forward and to the side, not understanding why Clint gasps and hits the floor gurgling until you see the knife in your hand.

"Clint!" Natasha screams, tears streaming down her cheeks as you turn to her. "Fight him, I know you can win!"

She doesn't believe that, and you know it.

"Kill her, too."

You march over to her, grab her short red hair, and slide the knife across her throat. She lets out an animalistic sound, and curls into a ball as red slowly begins to spill onto the floor.

"Now, about the others. Find them. Kill them. Do whatever it takes until they are no longer breathing."

You don't answer as you stomp to the exit, blood still dripping from the knife as you maneuver through the steel halls.

You come across Tony at one point, hiding the knife and acting wounded when he spots you. The armor opens up, he steps out, and you twist the blade in his stomach and he shudders.


He doesn't say anything else as you grab his neck and twist it violently. He falls to the ground without a heartbeat.

Steve had been harder to find, hanging back in a control room and listening in on the comms. But he doesn't act like you've just killed all of your friends as you step into the room, blood all over your skin and clothes.

"(Y/n)!" He rushes to your side, grabs your hand, even, when you take the knife and stab it through his heart. He gasps, holds your hand harder, until his eyes flutter shut and he collapses.

"Well done, (Y/n). Well done.."

With a jolt, you shoot out of bed and slam onto the floor. Heart thundering in your chest, you race to the door, blood pounding in your ears as you throw it open and run to Steve's room.

He's asleep when you get there, breathing and very much alive. Not dead and doesn't have a knife sticking out of his chest.

"(Y/n)..?" He asks groggily, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "What? What's wrong?"

"I-I just," you tug on your T-shirt, uncomfortably backing away towards the door. "Sorry for bothering you."

"Hey," he scoots over and pats the spot next to him. "Come here," Nodding, you slide under the covers and try to even out your breathing as he pulls you close. "It's alright, (Y/n). Everything's okay."

It takes a while for you to calm down. With Steve's arms around you, pressing you against his chest protectively, you're not sure there's anywhere else you'd rather be.

"Well done, (Y/n). Well done.."

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