Clint Barton- Hold This

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[I saw The 5th Wave. They didn't make the Mayfly reference. I am upset.]

"Hey, (Y/n)?"

You don't look at Clint as you answer, keeping your eyes trained on the HYDRA base you two are staking out in the woods. "What?"

"Can you hold this?"

Taking one hand off the binoculars, you hold it out and expect his sunglasses or something, but he places his hand in yours and grips it tightly.

"What are you-"

"Shh," He takes the binoculars and peers through them. "Talk too much and they'll hear us."

"But why are you holding my-"

"I asked if you could hold something and you didn't disagree, so, here we are."

You sigh. "Okay. Whatever."

"And it's freezing out here. Just trying to make sure we don't get frostbite."

"But you were complaining about it being too hot five minutes ago."

He shrugs. "I'm indecisive."

"That's not all you are," You mumble.

"Uh oh."

"What?" You turn to the base, thinking they've spotted you, when Clint makes a whining noise and feels inside of his jacket.

"I left my kitkat in the car."

"Oh my god."

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