Loki Laufeyson- Prison Breakers

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[Will anyone catch the reference. I don't know.]

The chain around your neck rubs painfully against your skin, and you restrain from grabbing it and throwing it onto the floor. Not that you could, anyways.

"With that handy little necklace, I'll be able to track you no matter where you go," Tony Stark says, turning in his chair and your hand immediately flys up and tugs at it.

"Yeah, yeah," You grumble, giving up on finding a comfortable position for the device and lean back. "Just because I tried to escape  that one time doesn't mean I have to get a dog collar."

Tony snorts. "That one time? Try more then a dozen."

Boots clicking down the hallway make you look up, finding Steve Rogers, Thor, and Loki in the doorway. Unlike the other two, Loki has cuffs around his wrists and a mask around his mouth.

"Ah! Reindeer games, how nice of you to drop by."

"Now is not the time for jokes," Thor pushes Loki into the chair next to you and grabs his shoulder. "He has attempted another prison break and almost succeeded."

"And this has to do with me because...?" Tony picks up a pen and begins clicking it. "You need my help."

Thor huffs. "Yes."

Tony laughs. "This isn't a laughing matter, Tony," Steve snaps, pointing to Loki. "He almost killed someone. This is serious."

Waving a hand, Tony stands and leads the two brooding men away. "You two," Tony gestures to you and Loki. "Be nice."

"Nice dress, Princess," You say after they're gone, hoping onto Tony's desk and watch as Loki's eyes narrow. "What, cat got your tongue?"

Reaching up, he grabs the chain and tugs you forward. "I am so much more than Royal," He hisses from behind the mask.

"Then why are you being treated like a prisoner, oh mighty God," You slap his hand away, stepping over his legs and observe the mask closely. "Hm. The color doesn't agree with your skin tone."

His eyebrows furrow as you walk around him, toying with the straps until something clicks and it falls to his lap. "How did you-"

You shrug, plopping back down onto the chair. "It's the same kind of lock they put on my cells. Not that hard to crack once you know what you're doing."

"Is that so?"

"See, they're perfectly- (Y/n)!" Tony rushes in, Thor and Steve behind him.

"What?" You hold up your hands. "I didn't do anything."

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