Chapter 1

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Child abuse

Harry laid on his bed, pulling a thin blanket up to his chin to try to protect himself from the cold air. His head was pounding, heart racing, legs wobbling. He listened as his uncles footsteps grew louder, getting closer to his room. The thunderous stomping stopped at the door, and all that was heard was Harry's broken fearful pants. Harry whimpered and buried his head in his blanket.

"Boy!" Vernons voice boomed, causing the thirteen year old boy to jump. Vernon burst through the door, a look of hatred in his eyes.

"Y-yes uncle Vernon?" Harry asked as he scrambled into his feet.

"Get downstairs and cook dinner. Now!" Vernon boomed. He connected his fist to Harry's cheek, and stormed out of the room.

Once Harry knew that Vernon was out of range, he sniffled. He looked at the moving picture of his parents as he blinked back tears rapidly. He exhaled through his nose loudly to try to clam himself down. He got up quickly, and ran downstairs. The Dursleys didn't like waiting.

"It's about time you got down here, freak! Cook now! And then go back up to your room. You better not sneak any food. You remember what happened last time!" Aunt petunia yelled as Harry made his way to the stove.

"Yes ma'am," Harry said wearily. And turned in the stove.

He cooked dinner; which was spaghetti and meatballs for Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, and a salad for Dudley, as he was getting more hits. Dudley would throw things at him as he cooked, and Vernon and petunia would always hit his sides or head. Harry had gotten somewhat used to the pain by now, so it didn't hurt as much. But it still hurt.

Harry put the food of the table in a frantic attempt to get out of his 'family's reach as soon as possible, resulting in having a meatball roll off of Vernon's plate as Harry set it down quickly. Harry froze in fear as Vernon growled.

"You stupid little freak! Look what mess you've made!" Vernon shouted. He shoved Harry back so that he hit the wall, and fell to the ground. Vernon threw a salt shaker at his head, making Harry slightly dizzy. He got up and ran upstairs.

Hunger was raging through him as always, this being his fifth day without food. Uncle Vernon absolutely loved seeing Harry in pain. He would hit him and use him whenever he pleased. He used the boy for sex when he wanted, whether it be out of rage or because he needed a good fuck, and he would harm him however he pleased. He didn't care of it hurt Harry. He didn't care if he was scaring Harry. He didn't really care if the boy was breathing or not to be honest.

Harry has had broken bones that never fully healed because he was never allowed to get medical assistance. He has had bruises and burns that covered his body like freckles. He has had pain in his hips for days on end after seasons with Vernon. And it only got worse as Harry got older.

Harry finally got up to his room. He sighed as he felt little bundles of magical energy surge through his body, acting as a painkiller. He found out a little while ago that the type of magic he could use helped a little bit with aching muscles or fractured bones. Not much, but it was still a little bit of help.

Harry curled back up in his bed, finishing up the last of his homework for the summer. Summer. Only one month, four days, three hours, and five- now four minutes left until it was over. And Harry was counting the minutes. He wished desperately to be back at Hogwarts with the warm beds and huge meals. He wanted to be back with his friends. He wanted to be back with his favorite teachers. Hell, he would love to even be with Snape instead of the Dursleys.

But alas, Harry knew he couldn't do that until the one moth, four days, three hours, and now two minutes were up. So. Harry did what he always did when he had nothing else to do. Sleep. He fell asleep thinking about his parents watching over him, protecting him as best they could. Maybe they were watching over him. Well, he was abused everyday, but at least he wasn't dead. So maybe his parents were helping him.

Harry fell asleep with a small smile on his face. There was now one month, four days, and now two hours until summer was over, and he could finally get a chance to get away.
Okay new book!

If you haven't read my other story, Best Friends- Drarry, then I would like it if you would look at it.

Here we go

~Kittay 💋

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