Chapter 2

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Harry woke with a gasp. He shot up from his position in bed, drenched in sweat. His chest was rising up and down fast from his panting and his head hurt badly. He replayed his dream over again in his mind.

" "Harry," a woman's voice spoke. "Harry, it's mom," that got Harry's attention. "We only have a few minutes before were cut off. We're alive son, we don't know how or why, but we are. And we want to see you as soon as possible,"

"Harry," this time it was a male voice. "We want to meet up. Meet with us at the Quidditch Cup. We can be together again. As a family. You need to meet us down there. We will find you, son. And that's a promise,"

"We love you," the voices both said in unison before everything faded away."

Harry didn't know if he should have believed it or not. He had dreams all the time, and they never meant anything. But this time something was different. When Harry woke up there was this feeling inside of him. A feeling that told him he should take his dream seriously.

Harry jumped out of bed and ran to Hedwig, who hooted happily when she saw Harry.

"Hey girl, I need to you be quiet. Or I'll get in trouble," Harry told her as he scribbled a note to Ron. It responded to his mates note beforehand that asked Harry if he'd like to accompany him to the Quidditch Cup. Maybe that's why his parents wanted to meet there.

Harry put down a basic reply, telling Ron that he would love to come. He also told him about his dream and that he wanted to see if it was real or not. Anyone else would have been afraid that they would be laughed at by their friend for thinking that their dead parents came back to life and asked to meet up, but Ron knew all too well that Harry was sensitive.

He wouldn't laugh at him for anything. He knew about the Dursleys, but he didn't know about the really bad stuff like rape or bad beatings. Ron knew that Harry came from a broken home and needed love. And his family was full of that. So he often asked him to join them for events or even just sleepovers together in their dorm room they shared with some boys.

The sleepovers often consisted of the two of them huddled together in one bed with a silencing charm protecting them as they talked about anything and everything. The two were like brothers. And thinking about the two of them made Harry smile.

Harry sealed up the envelope and gave it to Hedwig, carefully letting her out the window to deliver the message to his friends. He stared out the window for a few minutes before he sighed and sulked his way back over to his small bed. He looked over to his clock.

7:56 in the morning. Harry got back out of bed, hissing slightly at the pain that went through his back. He walked over to his closet and got ready for the day. He wore his usual outfit, oversized jeans and an oversized t-shirt. Once his clothes were on Harry got a belt and put it on as tight as he could to fit his bony waist. Once that was all over he ran downstairs to make breakfast.

Luckily no one was down there yet. Harry figured out that the Dursleys all get up around 8:30, which gives him some time to cook a real breakfast so that he wouldn't get beaten. He had it all mapped out, from the time he would start, to the time he would spend making the meal, to the time he finished. He made sure it would be done when everyone was coming downstairs so that they weren't greater to cold food. That would be bad.

So, once Harry for the meal done, he ran upstairs back to his room. He shut the door as always and sat on his bed. He waited for Hedwig to come back with a note from Ron. He needed someone to talk to. Someone who would listen. And someone who's nice to him.

Harry didn't know whether to believe the dream or not. He wanted to so very badly, but he was afraid to. He didn't know what he would do or say if he actually met his parents. But he wanted to meet them so badly. He wanted to get away from all the abuse he got. He wanted to get away from the labor he was put through. He wanted to get away from everything. He just wanted his parents.

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