Chapter 6

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Once everyone had gotten used to Lily and James being with them, it was already Harry's fourth year. By the time summer was over, Harry got all of his school shopping done with his parents and the Weasleys and had gone on five of six dates with Draco, his now boyfriend. The families of Hogwarts learned that Moody would be the new DADA teacher and that an event would take place in the upcoming year.

"Great. Just what I need," Harry mumbled.

"What's wrong?" Draco asked as he wrapped an arm around Harry's waist.

"Nothing, it's just the event. I'm sure I'll be out in it somehow," Harry sighed. Draco kissed his cheek, making Harry instantly smile.

"It will be okay, Harry. I'll be right here to help you with anything," Draco told him as he ran his hand up and down Harry's side. Harry grinned and nuzzled his face in Draco's neck.

"Thanks babe," Harry said. Draco smiled and leaned back on the sofa they were on, wrapping his arm around Harry in the process.

"Hey, lunch is ready everyone!" Remus called from the kitchen. Draco gulped. Harry got off of him and helped him off of the couch.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked Draco as he held his hand. Draco nodded.

"Just nervous. What if they don't like me?" Draco asked.

"They will like you. They'll like you because I like you. A lot, actually," Harry said, and pecked Draco's lips.

"Okay Harry," Draco said. They walked to the kitchen, where Sirius, Lily, and James were already seated. Draco turned to Sirius. "Hello sir," he stuck his hand out to shake his hand. Sirius just examined Draco. Draco quickly took his hand back. Sirius hummed and grunted before going to his seat. Draco gulped.

"I told you he hates me," Draco whispered to Harry.

"He doesn't hate you, he's just an overprotective uncle," Harry whispered back.

"Sirius, I want you to be nice to Draco." Lily told him sternly.

"He's a Malfoy though, how can we trust him?" Sirius asked.

"They aren't bad, Sirius. And we can trust him because Harry trusts him," James told Sirius. He grunted and leaned back to look at the two boys. They were whispering to each other and he couldn't hear anything.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Sirius asked as he squinted in Draco's direction.

"Probably about how nervous Draco is, and that he thinks you hate him. Oh, and Harry is trying to calm him down," Remus spoke up as he sat down next to Sirius.

"Why do you guess that?" James asked.

"I overheard them talking. Sirius, Draco is completely terrified that you won't like him. You better be good or you won't be able to touch me in any way for a month," Remus said sternly. Sirius opened his mouth to protest, but Remus stuck his pointed finger out. "No buts,"

"Fine," he grumbled. "Lunch!" He called to the boys. Harry and Draco quickly sat down.

"So, boys are you excited for your fourth year?" James asked. Harry and Draco nodded.

"Yeah, now I can finally go to Hogsmeade," Harry said. Draco grinned at how excited his boyfriend was.

"What about you Draco? Anything to be excited about this year?" Lily asked.

"Well, we'll be able to start doing more potions," Draco said.

"Oh, mom you should see Draco's scores in potions class! He and Hermione are tied! He even got an award for having the highest score last year!" Harry exclaimed. Sirius didn't say anything as everyone congratulated him. Draco grinned.

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