Chapter 3

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The Quidditch World Cup. A festivity where a shit ton of Quidditch fans all come together to see which team will win the championship cup. So for Harry, Ron, Fred, and George, or the four Quidditch nerds, they loved it there. Harry felt happy to be with what he considered his family. Speaking of family, his family.

Harry whipped his head around as he tried to find any red heads or dark shaggy hair amongst the crowd of grown men and women. He couldn't find anyone though. Harry only sighed and turned back to the Weasleys and Hermione.

"Alright, here's our tent," Arthur said as he let everyone inside of a dirty 50 cent tent. Harry wondered how everyone would manage to not strangle each other in there until he actually got inside.

The inside was huge! The bathroom inside was bigger than his bedroom! The whole thing looked like a mansion on the inside. It had rooms for everyone, a kitchen, living room, bathroom, bathrooms, it even had a chandelier.

"I love magic," Harry said quietly with a smile as he ran to his room to put his things down. Once he did, he ran back out.

"Can I go exploring?" Harry asked politely. Arthur turned to him.

"Of course! But keep your wand on you. And if you get lost, meet up at the kettle corn stand by the stadium. We'll come find you," Arthur told him. Harry smiled and ran out of the tent.

He looked around for his parents, but couldn't find anyone. They never told him where they wanted to meet exactly. So here Harry was, running around like a chicken without a head trying to find his family. Harry started to loose hope, and slowed down his pace. He looked down, which wasn't a smart thing to do, and crashed into something. He fell to the ground, gasping quietly. Harry looked up hoping to see his parents.

But it was Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. As in, Harry's secret crush ever since second year Draco Malfoy.

"Potter?" Malfoy asked. There was no venom in his voice at all. "You're here? I never thought you'd be interested in this," he said as he got up. He helped Harry up off the ground before dusting his clothes off.

"I'm with the Weasleys," Harry told him. Malfoy nodded. Harry got an idea.

"Hey malf-"

"Draco. Call me Draco, please," Draco said. Harry nodded.

"Well Draco, have you seen anyone with red hair or glasses and hair like mine? I'm looking for them and I can't seem to find them anywhere," Harry explained to him. Draco shook his head.

"You're the first person I've seen with your hair today- look out!" Draco helped and pulled Harry toward him. They stumbled back into an abandoned section between two tents.

"What was that for?" Harry asked calmly as he looked back. Neither boys had broken the contact from their bodies on each other, and really, neither boy wanted to. It felt right to them. The little tingles that were present he never they touched made them never want to let go.

"Someone was coming around the corner really fast and they were going to run into you," Draco said quietly. Harry leaned back a little bit and got a glimpse of Draco's eyes. He gasped quietly.

This was the first time he's ever really been up close to Draco and looked in in the eyes. Both of the fourteen year olds looked into each other's eyes like they were in a trance. Draco had not let go of Harry's wrists, and Harry didn't want him to.

"Um... I-I'd be happy to help you look for who you're looking for if you'd like," Draco said quietly, his eyes flickering from Harry's eyes to his lips. No, stop it Draco. You can't kiss him right now.

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