Chapter 4

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Harry opened his eyes and regained his blurry vision, feeling around for his glasses on the floor. There was no noise except for a faint ringing in his ears and muffled screaming and yelling. Harry panicked when he couldn't find his glasses, and shot up from his place on the ground.

He squinted to see if he could make out anything, but couldn't see. He was practically blind without his glasses. He scratched his head and stood up a little, trying to be careful not to fall over. It was like he was Hellen Keller right now; he couldn't see, hear, or seem to talk, the lump in his throat was preventing him from doing so. Harry tried yelling out, but he couldn't hear his own pleas. How could he know if anyone else was hearing them?

Harry whipped his head around, trying to stay calm and take in his surroundings. If only he could find the kettle corn stand. Then the Weasleys could find him. Wait, where is the kettle corn stand? Harry looked around more and could faintly see objects but he didn't know where he was for a fact. What if everything that had happened in the past twenty four hours was a dream? A sick and cruel dream?

Harry sat back down and pulled his knees to his chest. He hugged his legs close to him and sat there, like a newborn puppy with none of their senses. Harry started hearing more muffled noises. He looked up at the source, and saw a figure. Of course he couldn't see who it was without his glasses, which made him freak out. What if the figure was after him.

Suddenly there was a shout. Then the figure waved his or her wand viciously, sending green sparks up in the air. A dark mark appeared, and Harry could actually tell it was a dark mark. It stood out greater than he rest of his surroundings and made a lot of hissing sounds. Harry's ears started unplugging, and he started eating voices more clearly. He shot his was up and looked around.

"Harry!" A voice yelled.

"James, we can't loose our baby again! We just got him back!"

"Mom, dad?" Harry mumbled. His eyes widened when he heard his voice. "Mom, dad!" He yelled louder.

"Harry?!" The two voices shrieked.

"Stay where you are Harry, we're going to find you!" His dad's voice said. Harry gulped and held onto his legs tighter.

"I found him, James over here!" His mom exclaimed. He saw a figure run over. "Oh you poor thing, here-" she handed him his glasses, which he took with grabby hands.

Once Harry regained his sight, he hugged his mom. He nuzzled his face in her neck and held on tightly to her. His dad came over and hugged Harry from behind, putting his chin on top of Harry's head.

"It wasn't a dream," Harry whispered.

"No, it wasn't. We don't know how, but we're alive. And we're going to stay with you. We need to get you out of here and set some things straight so that we have our guardianship back," James told his son as he held onto him tighter.

"You mean I don't have to go back to the Dursleys?" Harry asked quietly.

"No sweetie, you don't have to. We'll go down to their house in a few days and go get your stuff. We'll get another house and you can live with us," Lily said. Harry held on tighter to his mom.

"Harry, do you think you can stand in your own?" James asked. Harry nodded and let go of his mom reluctantly. Lily smiled and kissed his head.

"Don't worry Harry, I'm right here," she said softly. Harry grinned and stood up, his parents right behind him. As they began walking back, Harry heard another gasp.

"Harry, you're okay!" It was Draco. Harry smiled and looked over to the voice.

"Draco!" He exclaimed. Draco smiled and ran faster. He attacked Harry in a hug.

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