Chapter 11

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Harry and Draco were walking back to Draco's dorm, hands clasped together firmly. Harry still had issues with other students, but it seemed to calm down after his boyfriend and parents showed up. Draco wasn't as nice to them as James was, who just gave them a death glare and some threats. No, as soon as Draco heard that the kids were starting up again, shit hit the fan and he made sure people knew not to mess with Harry.

Suddenly Draco remembered that the Yule ball was coming up. He stopped in his tracks. Harry got tugged back from the force and looked back at him confused.

"Harry Potter," Draco spoke. Harry turned and grabbed both of his hands in his own.

"Yes, Draco Malfoy?" Harry asked.

"Would you do me the honor of being my date to the Yule Ball?" Draco asked him. Harry smiled widely.

"Yes, yes of course!" Harry exclaimed. Harry wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.

Draco wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed back. The kiss started to get heated, and soon Draco's hands were cupping Harry's ass. Harry pulled away.

"We can't do this here," he whispered. Draco nodded. They ran back to Draco's dorm, instantly slamming the door an kissing again.

Harry moaned and ran his hands through Draco's hair, tugging at it lighter and making the blond groan in pleasure. Draco's hands moved to Harry's shirt, and pulled it over his head quickly. Harry leaned forward and sucked at Draco's neck as he got his pants off, revealing a half hard member. Harry smiled against is neck, knowing that he, and only he, was the one doing this to him.

Draco's hands found Harry's ass again, and massaged it as Harry got everything off. Harry moaned helplessly into Draco's neck as he continued to massage him. This only made Draco want to hear that noise more.

Draco suddenly put his hands in front of Harry's pants and unbuttoned them, purposely running his hands over his almost full blown erection. Harry in return moaned loudly an tilted his head back. He continued unbuttoning Draco's shirt until he could get it off and throw it across the room.

"Hop up baby," Draco whispered in Harry's ear as he moved boy hands to his ass. Harry jumped up and wrapped his legs around Draco's waist. Both boys moaned as Harry's erection rubbed against Draco's chest.

Draco kissed up and down Harry's neck. "Do you want to go any further?" He asked softly. Harry gasped at the feel of his boyfriends lips on his neck.

"Y-yes, Dray I want to," Harry told him. Draco looked at him carefully.

"Are you 100% sure?" Draco asked. Harry nodded.

"Not too far tonight, but yeah. I want to. I want to show you how much I love you," Harry told him. Draco kissed him gently.

"You don't have to have sex with me for me to know that you love me," Draco murmured against his lips. "I love you too, Harry. And I don't want you to feel any pressure. Are you absolutely sure?" Draco asked again. Despite how horny he was, he wanted to make sure that Harry didn't feel as if he needed to please Draco in any way. If that meant not having sex until they were 30, then that's what it meant. Harry nodded and snapped Draco out of his trance.

"Yes," he whispered. Draco kissed Harry again and walked across the room.

"I'll be gentle," Draco told him as he laid them both down on the bed. "If I hurt you-"

"Or make me feel uncomfortable, then tell you," Harry finished for him. "I know,"

"Okay," Draco said.

"I trust you, Draco," Harry looked him in the he eyes as he told him. Draco's heart swelled. He nodded and leaned in to kiss Harry's neck again.

Harry wrapped his arms around Draco's waist as he scattered kisses all over his neck. Harry sighed out of pleasure and put his legs around Draco's waist.

"Draco," Harry whined. "Please,"

"What do you want me to do Harry?" Draco whispered in his ear.

"Something-anything-just please," Harry gasped.

Draco pressed his hips against Harry's and rolled them, getting a gasp of pleasure from Harry. Harry threw his head back and scratched at Draco's back.

"Faster," Harry begged.

Draco continued to pleasure his lover until he was gasping for breath. When Draco thought Harry wouldn't be able to take any more, he stopped all of his actions. Harry gasped and panted as Draco looked at him.

Draco took off Harry's boxers, then his own. Draco stared at harry, now completely naked in front of him. He smiled and kissed Harry's forehead. Harry blushed and wrapped his arms around Draco's waist.

"You're beautiful," he told him.

Draco ran his hands all over Harry's body, memorizing every crease, bump, scar, and bruise. First he went to his torso and brought his mouth to every mark from the Dursleys. He kissed them all gently, replacing their touch with his own.
Harry laid Draco down, and Draco brought Harry close and kissed him gently.

"Woah," Harry gasped. Draco laughed a little and closed his eyes.

"I know," Draco said. His breathing was getting under control again.

"I'm the only one who gets to see you like this, you hear me?" Harry said as he cuddled up to Draco. He smiled and nodded.

"Of course babe," Draco said. "So you want to go to the dance with me?"

"Well of course I do! You're my boyfriend!" Harry said. Draco kissed his forehead.

"I love you," Draco whispered.

"I love you too,"
WOOAH long chapter

So to celebrate 69 followers, I've written some smut for you guys <3 <3

K bye

~Kittay 💋

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