Chapter 8

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gay slurs

"All right faggot, that's all for now," a voice rang through Harry's ears. He sniffled and got up, wiping blood from his nose and picking up his glasses from the floor.

What was going on was the stupid tournament. Harry got chosen as a contestant and was forced to enter it. Let's just say that people weren't happy about it.

Ron abandoned him, Hermione sided with Ron, people were bullying him, and the worst part is that the Durmstrangs found out Harry was gay. His parents weren't too happy about the whole 'my son got put into a death tournament' thing either. James marched into Hogwarts a day after, punched snape, and instantly went to Dumbledore's office with Lily. It wasn't pretty. Long story short, Dumbledore had to cast a reparo on his desk and four lamps.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Harry limped away to his common room. He walked through the portrait door and made the common room fall silent. Harry only blinked and limped to his room.

Once he got inside, he saw Neville and Ron doing homework. Ron scoffed and picked his things up.

"How about we get out of here, Neville? I don't want to breathe the same air as that thing," he growled. Neville gasped.

"Ron!" He exclaimed. Harry's bottom lip wobbled a little bit, but he shook his head and went to his trunk.

"What? I don't want to be in the same room as him," Ron said shortly. He walked out of the room.

"Harry, I'm so sorry about him. I don't know why he's doing what he's doing," Neville said as he went to check on Harry. Harry didn't say anything. "Harry, please talk to me. You know that I still love you and all, I'm not mad at you for any of this," Neville said quietly as he walked closer to Harry. (Love as a brother)

Harry sniffled an turned to Neville. "I don't know why everyone hates me all of the sudden," he whispered. "I've done nothing wrong, I was even on my knees begging to not be put into the tournament,"

"You're absolutely right, you've done nothing wrong. Everyone is just being stupid or immature," Neville said. Harry still kept his head down.

"Harry, look at me," Neville said sternly. Harry sighed quietly and looked up. Neville gasped. "What happened?!"

"The Durmstrangs," Harry mumbled. Neville's face moved into an angry expression.

"I should kill them!" Neville shouted.

"No Nev, then they'd hurt you too," Harry told him. Neville sighed.

"Fine, but I don't want you sleeping here tonight," Neville told him. Harry froze in fear.

His eyes widened and he looked at Neville. "W-why?" He asked. Neville realized what he said sounded mean.

"Oh, Harry it's only because I don't want you getting hurt!" Neville told him. Harry nodded.

"Okay, but where do I go?" Harry asked. "Never mind, I'll figure it out, bye Neville," Harry said.

"Bye Harry. Be safe," Neville said.

Harry exited his dorm and walked down the stairs to the common room. Ron and Hermione instantly saw him, and how much he was beaten.

"Harry? What happened!" Hermione cried as she ran over to him. Harry only looked at her and walked away. "Harry, please, who did that to you?"

Harry scoffed and shrugged her off, walking to the door.

"Where are you going!" Ron yelled.

"Like you would care," Harry said.

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