Chapter 10

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The day of the first task was hectic. Draco had helped Harry with his strategy and what he should do, Hermione tried apologizing again, Ron shoved Harry, (which may or may not have ended up with Draco beating Ron) and Harry's parents came for the task.

During the beginning of the task, Rita Skeeter tried putting an article out about how Harry and Hermione were a couple, causing Draco to get mad. Harry had to calm everyone down and set things straight by kissing Draco in front of everyone. Then she went on and on about his parents and her theories. Honestly, Harry had never wanted to throw a shoe at someone more than at that moment.

Then Harry almost died in the task like what? Four? Five times? Probably. Then he finally got the egg back, and he was covered in dirt and bruises. That made his parents and boyfriend worried.

So now here Harry was, sneaking into the prefects bathroom with Draco to take a bath. Harry's parents had gone to look around the castle once again, so they were all alone. And you know what happens then they're alone...

they sing. Terribly and loudly.

Then they wrestle a little

They make corny jokes

And then they cuddle.

They were at the cuddling part right now.

Draco was sitting on a ledge in the tub and Harry was straddling his hips. Harry's arms were wrapped around his neck, and Draco's arms were around his waist. Harry kissed his cheek gently.

"Love you," Harry said against Draco's ear.

"Love you too," Draco told him. Harry hummed and laid his head in Draco's shoulder.

"When do you think I'll be able to sleep in my own dorm again? Not that I don't like us sharing, but I don't want to take up your space forever," Harry told him. Draco kissed his head.

"Hey, you aren't bothering me or anything. And I don't know, love. When they stop acting like their heads are shoved up their asses, then you probably could go back," Draco told him. Harry giggled.

Draco suddenly put his arm back, and knocked the golden egg Harry got from the tournament in the water. Harry gasped as it fell in the water. Draco shot up.

"Oh my god Harry I'm so sorry-!"

"Are you okay?" Harry asked. Draco looked at him confused.

"Yes- babe I'm okay- your egg- what about the egg?" Draco asked frantically.

"Draco I'm more worried about you than an egg," Harry started to trail off. "It's not making any noise,"

"What do you mean?" Draco asked.

"That noise, that one it usually makes, it's not happening," Harry said. He took a deep breath and leaned back so that his head was in the water. Draco held his body up so that he wouldn't fall back.

After a few seconds, he came back up gasping for air. Draco's eyes widened in fear, thinking he was hurt.

"Harry? Are you okay?" He asked. Harry nodded.

"Draco, there was a song," he told his boyfriend. Draco's eyebrows shot up.

"Really?" He asked. Harry nodded. He suddenly looked up at the door. "Someone's coming,"

"Shit," Draco said. He grabbed the egg and hopped out of the bath with Harry. Harry yelped and wrapped his limbs around Draco.

"Dray, stop! We're naked! We can just run out in the halls!" Harry told him.

"I know, I'm getting your invisibility cloak," Draco told him. "Think you can hold on a little longer?"

Harry tightened his arms around Draco's neck. "Yep,"

Draco took the invisibility cloak and put it over the two of them, took their clothes, then ran out of the room before the person who came in could see them. As they were running through the halls, Harry out his mouth to Draco's ear.

"Make sure we don't run into my parents. They wouldn't take it that well if they saw the two of us naked running through the hallways. My dad would take off the cloak and see us," Harry told him. Draco nodded. 

They finally got back to Draco's dorm and threw all the stuff on the floor. Draco took Harry over to his bed and threw him down on it. He kissed him gently before climbing into bed with him.

"That was interesting," Harry said. Draco nodded and pulled Harry close. He kissed him passionately and rested his forehead against his. Harry kept his eyes closed and grinned. "Love you,"

"I love you more," Draco told him. Harry out his arms around Draco and cuddled up to him.

"Well now I have an idea of what to do for the second task," Harry said. Draco kissed his forehead.

"I'd be glad to help you if you'd like," Draco told him. Harry nodded.

"Yes please,"  he yawned. "You should go to breakfast with my parents and I tomorrow,"

"Alright. You get some sleep, you've had a long day," Draco told him.

"One more kiss?" Harry asked.

"As many as you'd like," Draco told him before kissing him gently.


~Kittay 💋

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