Chapter 9

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Kind of intense make out session

Harry was currently in the library trying to research summoning charms. He laid his head in his book frustratedly and closed his eyes. He groaned when someone sat down next to him.

"Harry," a voice said. Harry groaned again.

"What, Hermione?" He said frustratedly.

"Have you done anything for this task yet?" He asked.

"What the fuck do you think I'm doing right now?" Harry snapped. Hermione sighed.

"You don't have to get all rude with me," Hermione said with a glare. Harry scoffed.

"Says the one who's supposed to be my best friend," he mumbled. Hermione's eyes widened and she froze.

"W-What?" She asked quietly. Harry sighed.

"You clearly don't care about me if you'd just abandon me like this. I told you and Ron thousands of times that I didn't want to be put in the tournament, yet you both told me to fuck off and called me names. Do you know how hard it is to know everyone is against you? The only people who have even talked to me ever since i was forced into this were Neville and my boyfriend. That's really sad, Hermione. You don't even know the worst parts because you've completely shut me out. I can't even feel safe in my own dorm anymore! So if you came down here to just yell at me more, do it and leave. I'm kind of busy," Harry bursted out. He was finally letting all of his emotions out to someone.

"H-Harry. I didn't mean to make you feel like this-"

"And yet you did," Harry interrupted. He took all of his books and hauled them off to his dorm with Hermione on his heels.

"You can't come in here," Harry said as he came face to face with the slytherin common room door.

"Why are you staying here?" Hermione asked confused. Harry growled.

"Another thing you'd know if you bothered to pay attention, I've been sleeping in Draco's dorm for the past month because if I don't, I get either pranked or hurt in my sleep in my own dorm. Goodnight," Harry snapped.

He slammed the common room door shut and ran to the dorm room that him and Draco basically shared. He set the books down on the bed and changed into pajamas, which was his boxers. After a few minutes Draco walked in.

"Harry love? Are you okay?" Draco asked when he saw his boyfriends angry face.

"I'm fine." Harry grumbled as he turned the page in his book, scanning the words. Angry tears formed in his eyes. Draco ran over and threw the book to the side. "Draco-!"

"Harry, come here," Draco told Harry as he pulled him to his chest. Harry broke down. All of his emotions came out and he cried into Draco's chest.

"Hermione doesn't even notice how much it's killing me. She doesn't know that her and Ron ignoring me is hurting me. She acts like she doesn't care one minute, and then she tries talking to me normally the next? I want to forgive them Draco, but I can't," Harry sobbed. Draco held his distraught boyfriend close and kissed his head.

"Then don't. If this has really taken an affect on you, then take time to heal. I love you and I'll be by your side no matter what Harry. That's a promise," Draco tried soothing him. Harry looked up and kissed him passionately.

"Thank you," Harry whispered.

"You're welcome, love. But can we talk for a second? Before you say anything in of breaking up with you," Draco said when he saw a terrified look on Harry's face. His face softened and he nodded.

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