Chapter 5

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Mentioning of child abuse/rape

Once the Potters got back to Gimmauld Place, Harry instantly ran through the house to find his uncles.

"Uncle Remus, uncle Sirius! You'll never believe threat happened!" Harry yelled as he checked every room in the house. He finally found the the two men in their bedroom, cuddled up and getting up from a nap.

"Oh, sorry uncles..." Harry mumbled. "I didn't mean to wake you,"

"It's okay Harry, we were just getting up anyway." Remus said as he got out of bed. He yawned and went over to ruffle Harry's hair.

"So what did you do today?" Remus asked. Sirius came over to them.

"Draco asked me out," Harry smiled. Remus and Sirius smiled widely.

"He did?!" Sirius asked excitedly. "That's great, cub!" Harry grinned and pulled them out of the room.

"You won't believe what happened, uncles," Harry said.

"Is something wrong?" Remus asked. "What happened!" He yelled. He and Sirius knew all about the Dursleys and everything that happened with them.

"Nothing, uncle moony. I promise. This time it's good," Harry told his uncles. He brought them out to the living room, where his parents were looking around. Remus and Sirius froze.

"P-prongs?" Sirius said quietly. James turned around quickly and saw his two best friends.

Both lily and James ran over to their friends, attacking them in a hug. They eventually got into a group hug, ending up in Remus and Sirius crying all over their friends and nephew. James teared up at the feeling of being with everyone he loved. Lily ended up crying out of happiness because she finally had her baby back. Sirius and Remus cried because they had their friends back. Harry sat in the middle of the hug, smiling. He did know who he was hugging anymore, but that was okay with him.

Once everyone released from the hug, Remus and Sirius looked at their friends.

"How?" Sirius asked quietly. James shrugged.

"No idea. But we're happy that we're back," he said. He sniffled and stroke Harry hair. "We finally get to meet our little boy,"

"I'm fourteen! I'm not little anymore!" Harry protested.

"No you aren't little anymore, your dad is just being sappy." Lily looked over her son. "You need a hair cut. I also saw that Ron was looking a little shaggy too. Why didn't your aunt and uncle let you get a haircut-?"Lily asked, but was cut off by a gasp from Sirius and flinch from Harry.

"We don't speak of them," Sirius said quickly as he scrambled to make sure Harry wasn't getting triggered by anything. Remus was already running to the kitchen to get Harry's pills for his PTSD. Sirius knelt down to look at Harry, speaking softly to him. "Cub, are you okay? Do you want to leave and clam down for a little while? Remus is-"

"I'm fine uncle padfoot, I promise," Harry said. "Uncle moony I'm okay," Harry called. Remus ran back in with a pill bottle and a glass of water. He looked hesitant.

"I'll keep these in here just incase," he said as he set everything down on a coffee table.

"What happened?" James asked.

"Nothing!" Harry protested. Remus stroked Harry's hair.

"Harry, you need to tell them sooner or later," Remus told him quietly. Harry's bottom lip wobbled slightly.

"They were terrible this summer, uncle moony!" Harry exclaimed, and buried his head in remus' chest.

"Who was?" Lily asked Sirius frantically. Sirius went over and whispered to both James and lily,

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