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Pearl's POV

Where the fuck did she go? How am I going to explain this to Zayn?

"Babe? You alright?" Harry asked, concern in his voice. In response, I just nodded at him. "Uh, have you seen Angel?" I asked him. He looked around. "Where is she?" He asked. "I asked the question first." I snapped at him. He just giggled and held my hand. "Saw Louis dragging her off the field a while ago." 

WHAT. THE. FUCK ?! I quickly ran towards the hallways. But there's so many people. It's completely crowded. Some don't even move at all. "Fuck. Get out of the way!" I shouted. Everyone just stared at me as if they're asking 'Who on earth are you for us to follow your command?'. I don't give a damn about what they think. I glared at them. After a few seconds, they made a small space towards the crowded place to make way for me that directly leads to the building's exit.

"Thank y'all!" I said as I ran quickly through the hallway. My wolf instinct helped me get out in a rush. As I got out, both of them were nowhere to be found. Should I look for them? But if I leave Zayn, he'll probably kill me. FUCK! I'll just ask him first. 

Zayn's POV

I feel Angel's eyes. She's looking at me. This is it. The day that I've been waiting for. I took a short glance at her and smiled. I know that smile made her happy. I miss you, Angel! I really do. Well, since there's only a few people left inside the stadium, I should probably start. But first, I'll get my props. I ran rapidly towards the men's lockers. I quickly took the banner, posters, balloons, flowers and of course, my fangs. How on earth am I able to bring all of these outside? Well, I'm a vampire for fuck's sake. I can make it float in the air.

A opened the door using my mind. As I got out, Niall and Liam both ran towards me. "Lemme' get these." Niall said as he took the balloons and the banner. "I'll get these." Liam chimed in and got the posters. He was about to get the flowers but I quickly avoided his hand. "This one's mine." I said and winked at him. "Yeah. I know." He said and he winked at me.

"Where's Angel?" I whispered to Niall who's walking beside me. He looked at me and shrugged. "Yo, Harry! Where's Angel?" I asked. "Don't know." He shrugged. Fuck! "But Pearl is already looking for her. She's with Lou." Harry simply said as he walked towards Liam to read the poster.

I suddenly felt my stomach churn and felt a light sting in my heart. No, not again! I quickly ran towards the parking area. There they are. Louis' hands are wrapped on Angel's waist, guiding her as she gets in the car. That fucking asshole! Stealing my beloved! I walked rapidly towards the car.

"No." Niall said as he stopped me by holding my wrist. I watch as Louis' car got out. No. I'm not going to stop. Not now. Not ever.Especially when Angel's involved in the situation. She's mine! Doesn't he know that? I quickly rode my bike. As I was about to start, I felt the bike shifted then I feel Niall's hands on my shoulder. "Ain't going somewhere without a back up." he said then I drifted my bike into motion.

"Uh, where exactly are we going?" Niall suddenly asked. Yeah. Where the hell will I look for them? "Well, in this situation ... we're gonna have to ask some help from dogs." Niall said. Perfect! Harry and Pearl. He immediately grabbed his phone from his pocket. And texted them while I stopped the bike at a nearby fastfood chain. After a few minutes or so, we heard a beep from Nialler's phone. "Yep. Well, they're at DQ, mate." I quickly started the engine and head to Dairy Queen. I should've thought it myself. She loves that ice cream parlor ever since she was born.

I looked around then Niall poked me on my shoulder. As I looked at him, he pointed to the table that's completely visible through the ice cream parlor's window. And there I saw Louis, wiping away something from Angel's face and they're both laughing. That's it! I'm going to kill him!

I rushed inside and opened the door harshly making everyone that's inside look at me, including Angel and flirt fucking Louis. I don't fucking care as long as I get what I want. I rushed towards their table and looked at them with fuming anger in my eyes. "Angel, let's go." I simply said controlling myself to shout at her. She took a quick glance at Louis then looked back again to me. I can see that she's confused with what's happening. "What?" She whispered.

What the fuck? Didn't you hear me?! "I said let's go." I said, calmly and I offered my hand for her to hold. She slowly moved her hand towards mine but before it even touches mine, I immediately grabbed her hand and dragged her outside. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" She asked taking off of my grasp on her wrist. But I'm too strong for her to do that. I didn't let her go until we stopped infront of my bike. I quickly grabbed my helmet and threw her the reserved one. "Seriously? What the fuck are you doing?!" She asked with a hint of anger in her voice. But instead of answering her, I just rode onto my bike. "Sit." I commanded but she didn't respond. I looked at her and I'm surprised to what I saw.

It's a girl dressed in a black long sleeve and jeans with a pair of sneakers on her feet. Her hair is short and messy but still looks good on her. Her eyes is teary which made me want to kill myself. I quickly got off from my bike and walked towards her but she took a step backwards. I reached for her arm and fortunately, she let me touch her. That's when I pulled her towards me and engulfed her into a tight apologetic hug. I kissed her forehead then looked straight into her eyes. "Please, ride with me then we'll talk. In private. Please ..." I begged.

I've been waiting for this for a long time. But my heart tore apart as tears came streaming down her face. She's crying. And she looked at me. The look of being ... scared. It made me panic, so I held both of her shoulders making her focus on me. "Please stop that! Please stop looking at me like I'm a bad guy or something. Please stop looking so scared towards me." That's it. Tears start to fill my eyes as well. But still, I'm looking straight into her eyes. 

"Angel!" Louis shouted from the distance. Which made my heart automatically feel anger and pain. Angel looked at him. And he's about to walk towards us but Niall stopped him. Thanks, mate! Angel quickly turned her gaze to me, then she took off my hand from her shoulders and ran to Louis. As she reached Louis, he immediately engulfed her into a hug while kissing the top of her head. Louis looked at me then they both walked away, Louis' arms still wrapped on her shoulder. Colliding the feelings of being hurt, jealous and rejected. Which made me feel ... nothing. I can't feel nothing at all.

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