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Angel's POV

We ended up just walking around the school grounds. The cold London breeze kept hitching my skin that gives me chills and even goosebumps. I can't believe I'm actually with the Zayn Malik right now. I mean, I didn't even imagine myself hanging out with him.

"Too quiet. It's deafening. I'd rather go back to that party than being here pretending to be alone." He joked. I giggled at him and we walked to another hallway that leads to who knows where. It's because, I'm actually new here. I'm a transferee from Salzburg and I decided to study here in London.

As soon as I have realized that he's right. About this silence being so deafening, I've decided to start up a conversation. "So, where are you from?" I asked watching him walk beside me. 

"Bradford." He answered not even looking at me.

"Oh. Don't you think It's a little far from your home?"

He shook his head. "Not as far as yours."

I laughed. "Yeah."

Silence has overcome between us again. We now stopped infront of a large door. When Zayn opened it, the school's soccer field is inside. That's the time when I realized that we're now at the stadium. Lights are off. Nothing but the moon gives light to this place. "Come." Zayn grabbed my wrist and dragged me on the middle of the field.

"What are we doing here?" I asked. "Wait, you're not gonna play soccer right now, aren't you?" I joked. He just gave me a laugh that I swear to God, were music to my ears. "No, i won't."

He then lied down on the grassed soil of the field. "Join me?" He asked looking at me straight to the eye. I immediately looked away. Shyly, I lied down beside him. And looked at same direction. The night sky. 

I closed my eyes. Wow! I can get used to this. My eyes were still closed. When suddenly, Zayn's laughing face popped out in my mind! The sound of his laugh, cringing in my ears. I nervously opened my eyes and looked at him. He's just looking straight to the sky. 

I stood up. "Uh ... I should go." I simply said. He then stood up towering me. "Why?" I heard him whispered. I looked at him straight in his eyes. Like, for the first time. I can see sadness in his eyes that made me feel sad also. "Don't you like my company?" He asked in a worried tone.

Didn't like? The fuck, Zayn. I LOVED your company! Being accompanied by you is like the greatest thing that ever happened to me. Because, you're too kind. And gentle. It's just that, I can't help but feel this crazy feeling that I feel whenever I'm with you. "It's not like that ..."

"You know what? It's okay. Y-you'd better go." He cutted me off. He then looked away. Oh no. Is he mad at me? Did I do something wrong? I walk towards him and held his arm. "You may be tired and besides, it's getting a little late. You should probably rest." He said, smiling faintly at me.

"Okay. Thank you." I said. I finally let go of his arm and walked out of the stadium. 


As I was walking through the hallways, I bumped into someone that made me sat on the floor.

"Oh, sorry." I said. The tall guy just looked at me. "No, miss. I'm sorry." the boy with green eyes and curly hair said, then helped me to get on my feet. "Thanks." I said. "No problem. Walking alone?" He then asked. I looked behind me seeing no one. then I answered, "Yup." popping the 'p'. 

"Where are you headed? The party's at the opposite direction." He said. "I was just heading back to my dorm." I said yawning, and then I gave him a weak smile. I'm really getting tired and sleepy. "Well, do you mind me, escorting you to your dorm?" he asked with a cheeky smile on his face.

I took off my heels and held it with my right hand. I am now on my bare feet, feeling the cold floor. "No, it's okay. You should probably go back to the party." I said. "No, I insist." He said. I leaned my back on the wall. Admiring this boy here's cheekyness. "Well, okay." I finally said, then we walked to the corridors to my dorm.


"So, what's your name?" He asked. "Oh, I'm Angel. Angel Whispi." I said then i offerd my hand towards him for a handshake. He immediately shook may hand. "Harry. Harry Styles." He said, with his cheeky smile never leaving his face.

"I play with our school's soccer team. Not that it matters." He said looking towards the way. "Of course it does! So, you're teamed with Zayn, yeah?" I asked excitedly. He then walked slowly, and the smile fading on his lips. "Hey?" I poked him. He then looked at me and smiled again, not showing his teeth.

"Oh, yeah. He's my teammate." He finally answered. "Anyway, when did you go here? I haven't seen you here before, you know." He started, getting rid of our topic about Zayn, I guess. "Yeah. When this school year started, that's the time when I came here." I answered.

We walked to my dorm with endless topics. I'm finally getting comfortable with this guy. I hate to break this conversation but I really have to sleep. As we reached my dorm, I thanked him, then we said our goodbyes. I'm glad that I made a wonderful day, making a new friend.


I got out of the bathroom and secured the door. I jumped to bed, andfinnsed my eyes. Smiling due to complete satisfaction that I'm now actually getting some rest. Silence. I really had fun a while ago. Not only with Harry, but also with Zayn. He really made me happy that time. I really didn't want to break that moment of peace, but I'm really bothered with this unusual feeling of mine through Zayn. I think I like him. No ... I know. I know, I like him.

I was about to visit the dreamland, when I felt soft lips touching my forehead. I'm really tired, but still managed to open my eyes a little bit. It's dark, but I saw him. His white skin, touched by the moonlight. Making him, barely visible. He smiled at me. I gave him a faint smile and closed my eyes, again. Goodnight, Zayn.

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