Chapter XX

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-Rebecca's POV-

I woke up, a blanket over me and no Niall. I frowned and opened my eyes. I sat up and squinted. I was still in my clothes from yesterday and I saw a note on the table. I got up, wobbling a bit but made my way to the table. I read it.

'Becca, we are at the first interview, meet us at Radio 92.9 at 11! -Mikey xx'

I smiled and walked to the back room, grabbing my bags and my vans tank top, with high waisted jeans shorts, my fishnet stocking that have a small hole in it, along with my vans. I changed quickly, then ran to the bathroom, brushing my hair and throwing it up in a half up half down ponytail and did my makeup. A dark Smokey eye, winged liner, concealer, foundation, and a little contour with a bold red lip.

I grabbed my phone and checked the time. Ten thirty. I grabbed my leather jacket and jogged out, closing the door and locking it. The black van was down the road so I jogged. I climbed in the back and began breathing heavily. "Radio... 92......9" I said, taking breaks. The van was started, and I leaned back in my seat.

Once we made it there, it was now eleven. I pushed through the fans with my head down, hoping not to be noticed. I got to the front where a security guard was and I looked up slightly, showing him my face. He nodded and let me in. The screams got louder once they figured out it was me. I saw the boys and smiled, hugging Michael slightly. "I'm not dead." I smiled and ran and hugged Luke, attaching myself to his torso by wrapping my legs around his waist and hugging him. "Woah, hi Becca."

"Hi Lukey." My face was smushed against his shoulder. I let go and looked around for Niall. "Where's Niall and the others?" I ask, feeling my heart speed up and my palms becoming sweaty. I rubbed my fingers on my palms out of habit, and looked around frantically, my breathing quickening, and shortening. My knees became weak and I nearly fell. I felt arms wrap around me and pull me back up.

I tried to breath in and I smelt his cologne. I gripped the shirt and dug my head into his chest. "Niall..." I mumbled quietly. "I'm here baby girl... don't worry.." His soothing voice was in my ear and I smiled weakly, using all my strength to hug him around the neck tightly. "I thought you left with the boys before saying goodbye..." I breathed out.

"I would never, ever, ever do that you. Ever." He said into my neck, while hugging my torso and lifting me off my feet. I could hear the camera clicks from outside, and in here. I hugged him tighter, hiding my face.

I've been feeling really anxious, and stressed out lately. I think it's the fact that Niall is leaving tomorrow and that I'm heading back home Monday to see everyone at school. Mostly Alyssa.

I didn't want to let go of Niall until I had to. The interview was starting. I let go and took a deep breath, wiping underneath my eyes. I could feel the puffiness. Great. Its going to show. Rumors. Shit.

"I'll be just off to the side. Don't worry. I won't move. I promise. If you need reassurance, just look to Michael and he'll nod if I'm there. Okay?" He cupped my cheeks with his hands, and I grabbed his wrists lightly. I nodded, sniffling. He kissed me and then kissed my nose. "I love you." "I love you more." "I love you times infinity and beyond." I smiled weakly. "Plus one!" I added and giggled and ran and jumped slightly on Calum. "Hey Cal-pal! Hows the Microwave doing?" I asked, referring to Michael.

"Good. Annoying, funny, loud as hell. But good." He smiled as we we're called on. There was five stools set out. Luke, Me, Michael, Cal, and Ash. That's how it went. I got comfortable and swayed my feet slightly rubbing my palms. I could see the smiles on everyone's faces as the lights shined down and the video taping started. "Hello, and welcome back to Radio 92.9! Today we are here with 5 Seconds of Summer, plus there lovely adopted daughter, Rebecca Irwin!" His voice was calm, husky, and raspy almost. Luke, and everyone else waved and so did I.

"Well, my name is James, and I'm going to be asking you guys some questions sent in by these lovely people." He motioned to the people in the chairs in front of us.

"First question sent in by Elise!" I saw a girl at the back raise her hand. "What were your thoughts running through your head when Rebecca's friend Alyssa told you about Becca and her story?"

I could tell my cheeks we're becoming red again. Ashton started.

"Well, when Alyssa and her whole town was dming us on twitter, we kind of had to look. They all said to go to Alyssa's dm and so we did. When should told us Rebecca's, it was almost like all of is were compelled to do something because it made us feel, like we were doing something right. And we were making people like Rebecca, who is suffering from depression, happy. Our music, and oursleves made them happy, when no one else could."

My eyes stung and I looked down.

Calum was next. "Honestly, we thought she was pretty cute but that's before stuff happened. But when I read her story, it reminded me a little about myself. Only s couple friends, not very noticed that much. And it just really made me feel at heart and it connected me and her together in a way. I really hope Rebecca understands that we all love her..." He said. "Are you trying to make me cry more?" I ask, looking up and wiping my eyes and sniffling. I covered mg mouth and nose, crying a little more after rethinking all he said.

Michael... Oh holy nipples. This should be good.

"I seriously, thought she was hot. No lie. But as Calum said, stuff happened. She was just so fun, and cute, and cuddly, and just, rude too and just so much like me. The other day she pelted me with plastic cutlery because I handcuffed her to the cupboard on the bus. And I thought, while I was getting stabbed with plastic forks, 'this is something I would of done. This is something I would do to Cal, or Luke.' Probably Luke, and he'd probably cry and I'd tell him to shut up. But that's not the point here. Its Rebecca. Honestly, it's like having another me around, but more..... prettier. And snuggly-er." He smiled at me and hugged me slightly. I was full on sobbing now.

Luke. This is going to sappy. I know it.

"When Alyssa dmed us and we read it, it brought me to tears. Literally. I was sobbing for s good ten minutes. And I was thinking, 'She doesn't deserve this. She doesn't deserve to be treated like a dog. I hate how my fans feel like this. I hate how they get treated like crap', but now Rebecca is more then just a fan. She's family, a daughter, and I love her. We all do." Luke rubbed his eyes.

What I didn't know is the St Niall was behind me holding up signs saying 'on the count of three all come up and hug her saying 'we love you Becca!'.

And so he counted down. 1. 2. 3.

"WE LOVE YOU BECCA!!" The boys hugged me first before getting tackled off the chairs and giggling like idiots.


Look! An update! Yay! Happiness!! Fun!! Crying!! YAAY!!

Anywaaaaaaays, so a couple days ago, a reader voted on everything, and I followed her and messaged her saying thanks. We started talking and she  super duper nice. But I'm not going to tag her. Ill 'tag her' but slash after the @ sign.

But I just want to thank you for reading and everything. Thank you for putting up with my crappy update schedule, and my weird AN and story. Just thank you @/EmJur195!!! Just thank you!!!!

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