Chapter I Finding Out

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There is multiple mentions of self harm in this story, and mentions of suicide. Please, be warned so I don't upset or cause anyone to relapse over this. I am no way romancing self harm because it is not romantic. This story is for entertainment and as of today, January 9th, 2018 it has been edited.

-Rebecca's POV-

I sat there, waiting for the blue, purple, and indigo nail polish on my fingernails to dry. I was on my very old blackberry pearl, texting Alyssa. I hummed "Mrs All American" by 5sos.

[ 5:25 PM ] Really Rebecca? You have to tell someone! If you don't I will!

I sighed at Alyssa's message and closed my phone and threw it on my bed. My nails were done and now I needed a shower. I stepped into the bathroom and undid the towel around my chest and turned on the faucet and had my shower. I turned it off and stepped out and put on my bra and panties and slid my two sizes larger cropped sweater that says 'Creepin' It Real' on it and slid my skinny jeans on. I plugged in my hair dryer, and grabbed my brush. I dried out my hair while styling it in my a soft curl at the ends.

After that I unplugged everything and brushed my teeth. I stepped out of the bathroom and to my room. I smiled after seeing my ticket and backstage pass to the 5 Seconds of Summer concert. I also glanced over at my blade. I sighed and slid up the sleeves of my sweater showing the lightly faded scars on my wrists. I haven't cut in over three weeks now because everything has been going okay. I've been getting closer to a boy I like named Zack, and I've had Alyssa to keep me going. She knows about my depression, just not about me cutting.

I checked my calendar. Four more days until the concert. Honestly I hate birthdays. They just let you know that you're getting older, and that you closer to dying. I also hate how most of my family from Australia send me birthday wishes. Yes, it's nice but I barely remember half of them. I was born in Australia, I had just moved to Canada before I learned to speak, and so I grew up speaking with a Canadian accent instead of Australian.

"Rebecca!!!" My mother called from downstairs. I groaned and walked out, bounding down the steps to meet my dreaded mother.

She gasped as she saw my nails. "Rebecca Alle-May!!" She yelled. "How could you do that to your nails! Your acrylics were expensive?! I paid a lot of money and you just go and destroy them?!" She practically screamed in my face. I backed up a bit, anger filling my veins.

"Because! They were growing out! They were already falling off! It's that bad for me to take them off when they're ready?!" I yelled back, my voice raising and cracking slightly. Her eyes were filled with tears already, the anger causing her to cry.

"Yes! You're nails were gorgeous and-"

She got cut off by police sirens, then the doorbell being rung. I ran over to it and saw Alyssa.

"Let's go." She came in, glared at my mom, and my dad sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand. She dragged me to my room and grabbed garbage bags on the way up. She started packing my clothes into the garbage bag. I grabbed my blade, along with the stuff at my desk's and tables and put them into my backpack before she saw. I glanced over at her, to see if she noticed and she was just sighing as she shoved my clothes quickly into a garbage bag while sighing and shaking her head slightly every now and then.

After everything was packed, I clutched the ticket and backstage pass in my hand. Tears slipped from my face as the police handcuffed my father after finding his drug stash, and brought my mom in for questioning. My father was a heavy drug addict. I tried not to notice, I tried to ignore it but when it got to a point of anger, and him falling asleep for hours and hours on end, and not waking up even after getting pushed.

"Alyssa.." I breathed out, my voice breaking into a sob as she I almost collapsed. She pulled me into a hug and I held onto her for dear life. She was cradling my head almost as my makeup began to smear and pool under my eyes. "Please.." I sobbed, soaking the shoulder of her sweater.

"Cmon. Let's go.." She pulled me out the door and to her car. Her mom and father was helping pack my stuff in the car. I sighed after seeing my mom fight with the cops. I was in the car and facing her as they had to handcuff her so she would calm down. I turned and slouched in the seat as Alyssa climbed in the drivers side. I put my head in my hands.

Her mother and father sat in the back as I was in the front, hugging my knees, leaning against the door.

We got to her house and I wiped my eyes and climbed out of the car confident. Until thoughts came over me... It's going to be all over the news, parents are going to read, tell there kids, rumors are going to spread like wild fire.. and I'm going to be the freak of the school that lives with her best friend...

I sighed and helped unload my stuff.

It was now about nine. I didn't unpack anything. I picked up my bag and brought it into the bathroom. I picked out my toothbrush, toothpaste, and hairbrush and brushed my hair, and teeth.

As I turned a certain way I could see the light shine off my blade. It was so tempting.... my hand raised. I bit down on my tongue to stop myself as I dropped my hand.

"You cut?" Alyssa saw my scars on my wrists and thighs as I changed into my short shorts for sleeping and my tank top, forgetting about that she didn't know. She ran over to my bag and pulled out my blade.

"How court you not tell me?!?" She asked frantic. I reached for my blade but she pulled her arm back and held it farther away.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" She asked more sternly.

"Because! I'd think you would of judged me..."

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