Chapter IX Lip Ring Maybe?

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-Luke's POV-

I sat on one of the waiting chairs with my head in my hands looking down. We've been here for three hours waiting... We haven't heard back from them yet so.. "Luke..." I heard Ashton mumble. "Luke." He said a little sternly. "Luke!!!!!" He said louder. I turned to look at her, my eyes glossy, and my cheeks stained with tears. "Awe.... Lukey..." He stood up and pulled me up to my feet and wrapped his arms around me and I did the same. I glanced over his shoulder to see Michael and Calum hugging and shaking a bit. I guess they were sobbing...

I put my face into his neck and took in is scent. I began to cry more. Ashton pulled from the hug and put his hands to my cheeks. "She's going to be okay..." He mumbled to me. "I know... I'm just scared that she will close everyone out and not want to talk and I'm scared that she'll never be the same...." I cried even more and hugged him again. He hugged me back and my knees began to shake and Ash noticed. He kind of slowly dropped to the floor still hugging. I could feel my flannel getting wet on the shoulder.

"Ash...." I mumbled. "Mhmm?" "Do you think she's okay?" "I don't know... I hope she is..." He mumbled into my shoulder. I put my face back in his neck.

"Rebecca Alle-May Irwin?" We heard the doctor say. We all turned to her voice. We stood up and basically ran over to her. "Is she okay?" "Is she awake?" "Can we see her?" "Is she crying?" Cal asked first, the Ash, The I did, then Mikey at the end.

"Yes, Yes, Yes, and No." She said to us. "Follow me." She turned and walked. We followed close behind. We turned down a couple hallways until she finally stopped. We looked in to see her rubbing her eyes. We walked in and smiled at her. Ash sat at the end of the bed, and I sat beside him as Cal leaned against the armrest of the chair Michael was in. "Hey kiddo..." I said to her.

"Hey..." She mumbled groggily. Her bright blue eyes seemed darker. She was holding onto her wrists monkey style. "You okay?" Michael asked. "Yeah... Just they took my bracelets so I just kind of feel naked without them.." "I can ask for them back?" Calum said standing up and slowly stepping backwards to the door. "Please..."

"Can I see them?" I asked standing up and kneeling down to her height.

"See what?"

"Your scars..."

She turned to look at me. Right in the eye. That's when I knew she trusted me...

She undid her hands and faced her arms out to me to expose her lightly faded pink scars. They were sticking out a bit and the deeper ones were wider and thicker and stuck out more. I slowly reached up glide my fingers along them. She flinched at my touch. She giggled.

"Your hands are cold..." She said chewing on her lip. "You know what would look good on you.." I said thinking about her lip as I played with my lip ring.


"A lip ring.."

She smiled. "Yeah.... I guess so.." Michael spoke up then. "If she's getting a lip ring then I get to choose it!" "I want to choose the color!" Calum came in and heard it all. "I want to choose the side!" He said giving Rebecca her bag of bracelets. She quickly took them all out and put them back on equally. Fourteen on each wrist.

She sighed feeling comfort I guess.

-Rebecca's POV-

I sighed feeling almost clothed again.

"So can I get a lip piercing???" I asked sitting up a bit. My leg was propped up on something. It still was numb so I couldn't feel anything from the surgery yet. "When you can walk without crutches yes." Ashton said rubbing my not injured leg. I smiled and looked at Calum messing up Michaels purple and black and indigo hair.

(( I realize that's not his hair color now but idc because I like the purple hair colors on him ))

I smirked. Michael swatted at Calum and poked his side back Cal giggle. "You two are cute.." I said. They looked at me. "AWE!! Mikey!! She thinks we're cute!" Calum said hopping into Michael's lap, wrapping his arms around his neck and having his legs thrown over him. We all sat there laughing. The doctor came in to check my vitals and talk to the boys. I kind of zoned out and talked to Alyssa. My Twitter notifications were being blown up like crazy.

The same noise... Over and over and over again. I swear it's going to be in my dreams....

I checked it and the news got around. The paps got photos of me getting loaded into the stretcher and the ambulance. I went online to search for the magazine. Yep... Front cover... I closed my google app and went back on Twitter. The hashtag that was going around was '#GetWellSoonRebecca' and I got a lot of nice tweets. I favorited a lot of them and saw them fangirl and I giggled. I checked my Dms. Where'd my friends Dms go?

I looked at some of them and replied back. I smiled seeing them send pictures of them crying.

"REBECCA!!" Everybody in the room yelled. I looked up. "Huh? What?" I looked around.

"You have take these pills every two to four hours for pain and then these for the healing process to go faster. And do not put any pressure on your leg until we know it's good. Your checkup will be in two weeks. We will need blood from you and you will be staying here a couple nights for recovery and then you can go home Saturday morning." She smiled at me and set my pills on the table. Pills.... Aren't they fun?


Okay guys.... Just a heads up....



All I'm going to say... That's all.... Anyways I'm you guys like the story and I really really hope you guys are excited for future chapters. This chapter was 1000 words. HAVE U HEARD 1D's DRAG ME DOWN!?!? ITS FUCKING AMAZING!! It's 1054 so bye!

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