~Christmas One-Shot~

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Start writing your story


Hey guys!


OMG I am actually so happy that this is over because I have been stressing about what to write

So for the last day I decided to write a Christmas One-Shot

But you probably knew that by the title of the chapter

So I hope you all have a great Christmas

And if I don't write again this year


(I probably will)

So anyway,

Lets get on with the story



Laci's POV

I woke up to the sound of someone jumping on my bed.

"LACI WAKE UP ITS CHRISTMAS!" I heard Louis yell. I opened my eyes to see Louis wearing a Santa Hat and his Christmas PJS.

"Louis!" I groan and look at the time.


"Well, no."

"Then wake me up in an hour." I say getting back under the covers.

"Laci! Come one! Let's see what Santa brought us!"

"1 Hour."

"Laci....." He says.

"Go bother Harry." I say.

"Ok!" He says happily.

"OH HARRY!" I hear him say.

After 10 minutes I hear a faint, "LACI!"

I laugh as I yell back, "I LOVE YOU!"


When it was 8 AM, Louis came back to my room and pulled me out of my bed. He literally picked me up and brought me downstairs.

I was glaring at him the whole time we ate breakfast.

"Is it time for presents?" Louis would as every 5 seconds, but would get the same answer each time, from Liam.

"Hold on Louis. Let us clean up first. It would go by faster if you would help." He would then pout and walk to the living room and sit down.

Finally, though, after 10 minutes, we were finished.

"Can we open presents yet?"

"Oh my god." I mumbled.

"Yes, Louis. We can." Liam says calmly. Louis shrieks and runs back to the living room.

"How are you so calm Liam?"

"It is Louis, I've gotten used to it by now."

"Ohhh." I say.

"yea, but now we should get going or else Louis is going to get mad at us." Liam says chuckling.

"Agreed."I say following him.


"OKAY! So yo guys open my presents first!" Louis yelled at us. We were all currently circled around the tree as Louis Passed us our presents from him.

"BEGIN!" He yells. I look down at my present and start to rip the wrapping paper.

"Oh my god Louis." I heard Harry say.


"YES! I love it!" I look over to see he bought him his own pigeon. I mentally facepalmed myself as I kept opening my present. After I got through the wrapping paper, I saw a box. I then opened it to see a Heart Eyed Emoji Pillow.

"THANK YOU LOUIS!" I squeal as I hug him.

"You're welcome!" He says as we carry on with opening our presents.


After opening presents, we all sat around the living room with Hot Cocoa and watched Christmas movies. ALL DAY.

I did start to get sleepy around 5 o'clock though.

Louis didn't like that, however, so he started to keep me awake by doing their annual 'play video games all night' tradition. They played their games, even the new ones that I bought them, until midnight.

That was when I finally fell asleep.

I also realized that my family is perfect.

Oh and my boyfriend, Derek. He is amazing, too.

Can't forget about about Zayn, who joined us for Christmas.

Or my friends from home, and my friends currently.

I should probably go now, as Liam thinks I am asleep.

So have a very merry Christmas

and a happy new year <3

xxx Laci Horan


Ok guys!

So that was it for Writemas 2015!

Let us hope that Writemas 2016 will go by smoother and I won't be late on any days

So for the sad part *cries*

The song for 2015

On the 12th day of Writemas, 1D_is_my_eternity gave to me:

12 Days of writing

11 Heatbearts

10 seconds of kissing (MY GOD)

9 fangirl attacks

8 carnival games

7 hours late

6 carnival rides

5 bedrooms

4 hours of sleep

3 McDonald's burgers

2 people cuddling

and a complicated math problem

Alright guys

Well this is it for Christmas 2015

(I feel like I am writing a part for my last story ever)

Have a great Christmas

and I will see you in a week for New Years

Alright guys



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