Chapter 7

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Sorry that I don't update very often, I will try to make a specific day when I update.


Jade's POV-

What happened this morning?

I walk towards the entrance of my apartment building while trying to recap what happened. Maybe I am just over reacting and he was literally just putting my necklace on me like a gentleman would do. But the way his lips brushed against my ear, and the extra gesture he did when he rested his hands on my shoulders. I really don't even want to think about this or anything about Zayn.

I walk slowly up the stairs while closing my umbrella trying to steer clear of Zayn and thankfully, I succeed in doing so. I quickly unlock my door and shut with unneeded force. I kick my shoes off by the door, not caring where they land, and make my way upstairs to my bedroom. I'm glad I cleaned up yesterday because I am too tired to do anything. I take my jacket off and hang it on a unoccupied hanger in the closet before taking a seat on the edge of my bed. I lay back and spread my arms out on both sides of me.


That's all I can think of. Why was I feeling the way I was feeling? It wasn't an uncomfortable feeling but almost pleasant. I don't even know why I am thinking about him so much. I don't like him. He's bipolar and gives me mixed signals. One minute he is nice and easy to talk to, then he turns into a complete ass who has a brick wall up that easily matches the strength of the Great Wall of China. He did apologize about it this morning though. I want to know why he acted the way he did though. Why is his family such a touchy subject?

I cover my face with my hands in groan in frustration. I hate not knowing answers. I get up from my bed and try to find something to distract me from my thoughts. Should I paint? It's been a couple of days sense I have worked on anything but then again, it is the semester break. I don't have to work on shit.


Where is my phone? I walk around the house until I spot my phone on the table near the door. When did I put it there? I pick it up and scroll through the messages I don't have and find Hazza.

Jade: Hey, I'm off of work if you still wanted to do something today.

I put my phone in my back pocket and walk towards the kitchen. I haven't eaten all day and the thought that nothing has been in my stomach makes me even more hungry. I pad my feet towards the fridge and before I open it to see what I could eat, my phone vibrates.

Hazza: Yeah, of course. I am just now leaving the courtyard. Where are you, I'll come pick you up.

The courtyard? He probably means the courtyard I first saw him in. He could be busting for money again. I would much rather stay home and watch a couple of movies on Netflix but then I would be stuck with my thoughts.

Jade: I am at home. My address is 880 Lizbeth St. at the Thomas House.

Maybe when we go out, we will go somewhere to eat. I feel like I haven't eaten in a dog's age. Instead of fixing me anything to eat, I grab a cup from the shelf above the counter and fill it up with lemonade. My phone vibrates in my back pocket once again indicating that I recieved a text message.

Hazza: Alright, I should be there in about 5 mins. Would you like me to come up or wait outside?

Good question..... I just met the guy. Do I really want him to know which apartment I reside in? Harry seems like a sweet guy though. What would he do up here anyways? I am already ready to leave. I think I'll just wait till he gets here and then meet him down there.

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