Chapter 17

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Hope you enjoy the chapter :)


Jade's POV-

After painting every wall in Alyssa's room twice while dancing and playing around to the music coming from Zayn's phone for hours upon hours, we were starving but we were both covered in paint. I asked him if he just wanted to eat first and then we go shower or shower and then eat first. He insisted that we both shower first so that we could have a nice dinner date at his house since I don't have groceries. So that leaves me here..... in my shower, smiling to myself as I rinse the conditioner free from my hair. I still cannot believe that I am with Zayn. He's my boyfriend. 

My smile grows even bigger. I step out of the shower and wrap a white towel around myself. I look at my reflection in the mirror and laugh. My eyes are shining with happiness. I can't remember the last time I looked this way. I turn around and open the door to my room. When I look up, I immediately stop in my tracks, my eyes widening. Zayn, sitting on the edge of my bed, looks up from my book in his hands. His lip is caught in between his teeth and his eyes travel down my body. I instinctively tighten my grip on the towel. 

"You! Get out!" I shout at him. This didn't seem to phase him as his eyes lingered on my legs. "Zayn!" I try to get through to him once more. He stands from the bed and walks closer to me. When he is only a foot away from me, he looks up to meet my eyes.

"I've seen women naked before Jade. It's nothing I haven't already looked at." He says to me. Voice deep and in a whisper. I blush and look down.

"Well, you haven't seen me and I feel uncomfortable being in front of you in only a towel."

"I could always strip if that would make you more comfortable." I look up, eyes wide. 

"Wha-.. Za-"Zayn presses his finger to my lips and smiles.

"Shh, only kidding. Maybe." He winks and leans forward, leaving a kiss to my cheek before turning around and walking towards the door. "I'll be downstairs." He calls behind him and then leaves my room, closing the door as he exits.

I run a hand through my hair and let out an exasperated sigh. The grip I have on my towel starts to loosen as I relax. That is.. until the door quickly swings open. 

"By the way, you're beautiful." Zayn says with his head poking through the door frame. He gives me that smile that I have grown to love before closing the door once again. 

I smile in return thinking about his smile. The way his tongue presses against his teeth and the way his eyes shine. When he smiles like this, you look pass the leather jacket, tattoos, and tough look of his. I bow my head and try to stop from smiling as I walk to my closet to change into some clothes. 


When I get downstairs, Zayn is leaning against the couch looking down at his phone in his hands. He looks angry as he types away at his phone. Actually, he looks more worried than angry. I watch his emotions change as I stand on the last step of the stairs. 

When he looks up, his worried expression falters and a smile replaces his features. I can't help but smile as well. As I walk towards him, he slips his phone in his pocket pushes himself off the couch. He takes me into his arms when I am directly in front of him and looks me in the eyes. 

"Hey, are you alright?" I ask him. His eyebrows furrow for a slight second before a smirk appears. 

"Yeah, I'm okay. Let's go. You're helping me cook." With my hand in his, he leads us out of my apartment and into his. When we get into the kitchen, he lets go of my hand and starts taking things out of the black cabinets. I take a seat  on one of the shiny bar stools by the island and watch. 

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