Chapter 11

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I will just let you know now... this chapter is short. Well, compared to my other chapters... this is short. Oh, and this chapter is not edited. I'm super super lazy. I didn't even go to school today. That is how lazy I was.


Zayn's POV-

"You should have just listened. You never listen." My father yells while driving cautiously through the dark streets in Bradford. I don't understand why he gets so pissed at me when he knows he did the same thing when he was my age. I look out my window trying to see clearly but my vision is blurred due to the amount of alcohol I consumed. 

"Your mother was worried sick and this is how I find you? Drunk off your arse and on top of a girl who can't keep her cleavage in her clothes?" He continued. At this point, I just wanted to lash out and yell at him. My head started to pound from the high volume of his voice so I begin rubbing my temples. 

"Zayn! You are-" 

"Would you just shut up!" I begin yelling. I face him for the first time since I have gotten in the car. He is already looking at me with shock written all over his features. "You of all people have absolutely no room to say shit! If mum was upset about me being out late then she would be completely outraged when she finds out about your little trips to your secretarie's flat. I would stop worrying about me and figure out your own damn problems." At this point, my body is on fire. His expression changes from shocked to a mixture of fear and worry. He quickly looks away.

"You didn't think I would know? Instead of assuming I'm "drunk off my ass" and thinking I won't hear your late night conversations in the garden, you should check to see which window you're standing under. You-" I shout, but am cut off.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" He screams." I am your father and you will speak to me with respect!" 

"Fuck you! You can't expect me to give you respect when you are fucking that woman behind mum's back! You are scum. Scum that belongs on the streets. If you don't leave mom, I'll tell her myself."

That got his attention. He looked at me with so much anger. I felt slightly intimidated but that soon went away.


"DAD WATCH OUT!" I scream while looking behind him. He looks behind him, outside of the driver's window then quickly back at me. 

"I'm sorry." He mouths to me. I can't hear him say it but I'm sure that's what he said. The loud honking sound being the only thing I can hear. His eyes begin to water and a single tear falls down his cheek. 

Everything seems to be in slow motion. seem to be in slow motion. I can't move. I can only watch and stare as the light comes closer. 

The light.

It's the only thing I saw before everything went black.

-End of Dream-

"DAD!"I scream. I immediately shoot up from my sleeping position and look at my surroundings. The clock shows 5:57 a.m and I'm in my room.  My heart is hammering in my chest and my breathing is rigid and heavy. I feel sweat covering almost every inch of my body. I try and wipe the sleep from my eyes but they only get heavier. 

This is the first dream I've had in months. Why can't I get it out of my head? I grab onto my hair and tug on the tips. I pull the covers to the side and move closer to the edge. 

The floor feels cold when I climb off of the bed. I look down at my shirt and see the chest area almost completely wet. I let out a long sigh and walk towards my bathroom. When I look in the mirror, I notice the dark rings around my eyes. I look like shit.

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