Chapter 20

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Hello! How are you?? I got my internet cut on in my new home so I think that means I will be updating more. I said I think because well.. I'm sorta really lazy. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter. 


Alyssa's POV-

I woke up to the sound of sea gulls squawking outside. I swear they get louder and louder every morning. I look to my side to see Niall laying there sound asleep. He lets out little snores as he exhales. I smile remembering how we both ended up in bed together. 


"No. I will not. Absolutely not." I stand my ground. Night had fallen and we are both inside arguing with each other on who will take the bed. Neither of us want to take it because we are both to selfless to do so.

"Alyssa.. Why are you being difficult? You take the bed, I'll sleep on the floor." Niall says. 

"Because... this is your boat and I am perfectly fine with sleeping on the floor." 

"I don't care if this is my boat. I would feel much better if you would sleep on the damn bed. I am not going to let you sleep on the hard floor." I try not to smile at his caring words. The whole reason he won't let me sleep on the floor is because he doesn't want me to be hurt and would rather him get hurt than I.

"Fine! I'll sleep on the freaking couch cushions outside!" I raise my voice. 

"You know what? Fine. Do what ever the hell you like." He practically shouts and walks towards the tiny bathroom. Once inside, he slides the door closed with much unneeded force. I roll my eyes and run my fingers through my hair before retrieving my blanket and a pillow and going outside. 

I place the pillow neatly on the couch and lay on the nice leather. It makes a weird noise as I lay down. As I try to make myself more comfortable by moving into a new positions, the couch makes the same annoying noise.

Why do I have to be so affected by stupid noises? 

I groan in frustration and completely stop moving. Right when I close my eyes, I feel a drop of water on my cheek. I close my eyes when I feel it roll down my face and onto my neck. When I look up, another drop of water falls onto my forehead. 

"You have got to be kidding me." I say to myself.

I close my eyes just as the sprinkles turn into bigger drops of water. I quickly grab my pillow and blanket and run back inside. When I enter, my hair is partially wet and my pillow and blanket just became useless. 

"Great." I mumble to myself. When I look up, I see Niall with his arms behind his head. He is looking at me with a smirk. 

"You knew it was going to rain, didn't you?" I accuse him. His smirk grows bigger and his eyes begin to shine. "You're an asshole." He gets up from his position on the bed and starts walking to me.

"Maybe but I wasn't sure. Thought I'd let you do what you want because we both know you don't listen to me." He smiles when he is only two feet away from me. I drop my pillow and blanket to cross my arms over my chest. 

"I hate you." He comes closer and attempts to uncross my arms. I lose the battle in strength so I just let him unfold my arms. 

"Aww come on. Don't be mad at me." He says in a playful, baby voice as he finishes unfolding my arms. Ugh, I am so frustrated. We have been arguing for about thirty minutes straight and when I go outside to get some sleep, the stupid couch adds on to my anger. Then the rain comes! My eyes begin to water with all of the frustration that has built up. 

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