Chapter 18

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Jade's POV-

When I wake up, I look to my side and find no one there. I turn to face the ceiling and wipe away the sleep from my eyes before stretching. I sit up and run my fingers through my hair while looking around the room. 

Where did he go?

A bang sounds from the kitchen, making me jump. I remove the blankets from my legs and climb out of bed. When I open the door to Zayn's bedroom, multiple clanks are heard. I slowly walk downstairs and through the living room, towards the kitchen. When I see him, he has his back turned to me as he viciously wipes a rag against his shirt. He lets out a groan before throwing the rag on the counter and removing the shirt from his torso. I laugh at his frustrated behavior. He quickly turns around to face me and a smile appears on his face. 

"What are you laughing at?" He asks while placing his shirt on the counter. I laugh again at the his behavior just moments ago. 

"Nothing." I reply. He walks towards me and places his hands on my hips. When he begins to lean in for a kiss, I quickly cover my mouth causing him to kiss the back of my hand. 

"Kissing your hand is fine too but I'd much rather kiss your lips." Zayn says when he pulls back, a confused expression on his face.My free hand places itself on his bare chest and to gently push him back.

"I would rather you kiss my lips too but I'd like to brush my teeth before hand. Morning breath doesn't seem very appealing." He chuckles and comes towards me again. This time, his lips press themselves on my forehead. 

"I have a toothbrush in the drawer under the sink." I smile and quickly walk away and up the stairs. In his bedroom, there are two doors that are closed. I'm guessing one is his bathroom and one is his closet. I walk up to the nearest door and find that it is the bathroom. 

The reflection that I see in the mirror surprises me. This is probably the first time I've woken up with messy hair. With the hair bobble on my wrist, I pull my hair into a bun that looks more presentable than the rat's nest it was seconds ago. I search the bathroom drawers until I find a package with multiple toothbrushes. I figure Zayn wouldn't like using the unused pink one so I choose that one. 

After scrubbing my teeth clean, I place the toothbrush next to his in the holder. I splash some water on my face and search for a towel. There is a towel on a hook next to the shower door. My towel. I grab it and pat my face dry then hang it back on the hook. 

As I walk back downstairs, the smell of eggs invade my senses. I can't remember the last time I've had eggs. Probably when I was in America. Stray strands of hair fall out of my bun as I enter the kitchen. I shove the strands into the hair bobble and push baby hairs out of my face. Zayn stands over the stove with a pan handle in one hand and a spatula in the other. 

"What are you cooking?" I ask him. He turns around and smiles at me before turning back around to tend to the food. 

"I'm making us an omelet but if you don't like it, I have some bagels and cream cheese instead. I make the omelet a little different from the usual omelet but in my opinion, it's really good." He says. 

"Smells good." I take a seat on one of the bar stools and watch. The defined muscles in his back flex and unflex as he moves his arms around. Only three words come to my mind. 

He. Is. Hot. 

I rest my head in my hands with my elbows on the island and just stare. I probably shouldn't be staring but I don't seem to care since I can't seem to look anywhere else. A tattoo is on his back right below his neck. It looks like a bird. As he turns around with the pan in his hands, I remain staring at his torso. He has tons of tattoos. I knew he had a lot but I must have never paid any attention. After all, his face is attractive enough. 

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