Chapter 27

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Jade's POV-

I am currently sat at one of the bar stools in front of the kitchen with my hands around an empty cup of what was room temperature water. It has been about two hours since I have gotten home and I have received three calls from my professor most likely wanting the know my whereabouts since I didn't come up to the stage, but I just couldn't keep my mind off of tonight. I kept replaying the events through my head and questioning myself. The main question being, why did I run?

It was obvious neither of us recognized each other but when I had, I guess I had been so shocked that I just took off. It was like all of the emotions I had been going through flooded back and still are. 

The time I spent with Harry and Luna really got my mind off of everything even if it were only a little while. I didn't expect Zayn to be at that ball at all. He said he was the photographer for the night? I didn't even know he was a photographer. 

I don't know if he knows it was me after the announcement or not but wasn't it obvious? My apartment is littered with my art. Does he not know I'm an artist? Does he even know my last name? 

Thinking like this brought me back to realizing that it had only been two weeks since we had met and not a lot of getting to know each other has been going on. I mean, we talked but it was never a twenty questions conversation. 

I took my hands away from the cup and covered my face before sighing ridiculously loud. 

We really didn't know an ounce about each other. We really did rush into things and that is exactly why it ended. 

Did I even truly fall love with him or fall in love with the idea of him?

I get up from the bar stool and make my way around the bar to put my glass away and head upstairs. Right as I put the glass in the sink, I hear banging outside my door. 

That has to be him. It's almost one in the morning. I debate on just keeping my first plan and head upstairs or go peek through the peep hole. 

Curiosity got the better of me and I almost ran to the door. He sat on the floor leaning against his door with his head hung. 

Is he locked out? 

I think about turning around like a smart person but I just end up watching a bit longer. His arm starts to twitch and soon after he falls over and lays awkwardly on the floor. 

Is he asleep? And drunk?

I lean my head against the door knowing exactly what I am about to do and sigh. 

Stupid, stupid girl!

I unlock the dead bolt before quietly opening my door. He doesn't move an inch so I take it he passed out. Should I just leave him there? I stand motionless for a second before shaking my head and going toward him. 

"Zayn." I say softly. 

No response. 

"Zayn. Wake up." I try again. 

He doesn't budge. 

I take one of his arms and pull it as hard as I can before dragging it over my shoulder and using every ounce of muscle that I don't have to pull him up. He smells like alcohol. Actually.. he smells like a bar.

Holy fuck he is too heavy. 

With a struggle, I carry him through my door with his feet dragging behind being that he is too tall for me and make my way to the couch. I guess I can just leave him here. 

I step back and stare at him like a complete psychopath and creeper.

That really was him. His hair no longer has that blonde swirl but I don't see why I couldn't recognize him before. Even just by his voice. When he moves a bit, I almost fall over my coffee table from jumping. 

He just tosses his head over and begins to lightly snore. I sigh and walk into the kitchen to grab some medicine. I still care for him so may as well act like it. 

With a bottle of pain relievers and a bottle of water on the coffee table, I grab a blanket and drape it over him. I debate on taking his shoes off for him but feet are just so not my thing. 

With one last look, I almost smile and walk up to my bedroom to attempt to sleep, knowing I wouldn't be able to. 


Zayn's POV-

I wake up without opening my eyes because the second I am even remotely conscious, I feel like throwing up. Slowly though, I open my eyes and take in my surroundings. 

Where am- This is Jade's place. 

How did I get here? I sit up slowly to try to avoid the oncoming pounding in my head but it still comes. 

Fuck, man! What did you drink last night?

I replay the events of last night and almost cringe. That girl... Why did she run? Not that it matters anyways, I am here. Why though? Why would she- I thought.. Never mind.

When I look down at my lap, I see the familiar blanket I used to cover Jade last time. I must have been so messed up last night. I'll have to apologize to her later... for more than one thing. I miss her. 

I look around and see the medicine and water sitting on the table and instantly take a grab at it. Oh yes! I need this!

After downing about three of those pain relievers, I get up and fold the blanket and set it neatly on the edge. 

Is she here?

"Jade?" I call out. 

No response. 

Slowly, I walk up the stairs to peek into her bedroom. The bed is messy and there is clothes all over the floor. Just as I am about to turn around and walk back, an object shimmers in my eyes. 

I walk in and move toward it. A mask? 

Her mask! That girls mask! Jade's mask! I look around to see her dress thrown messily on the chair I usually put my jacket on. 

Jade is- she is- Jade's that woman from the masquerade. 

But even still.. why would she run? Did she recognize me? 

How didn't I recognize her? Her hair was straight and her eyes, she never wears makeup. 

With the mask still in hand, I walk downstairs and head toward my loft. Just as I put my hand on the knob, it spins. I step back and the door opens to reveal her. Jade. When she sees me her eyes go wide and the Starbucks drinks she holds falls to the floor. 

My reaction is almost the same but I look down at the mask to see I'm still holding it and then look back up to her. She sees the mask too and her mouth drops open like shes going to say something but nothing comes out. 

"Jade." I say just as say says mine. 


I have no authors note. I just ask that you comment and vote please!

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