Chapter 8

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Hi guys! Thanks so much for 700 reads. It may not seem like a lot but to me it's huge and thank you to the people who keep reading. It means a lot. 

Chapter 8 will be in Zayn's POV first and Jade's POV second so it will be like Chapter 8 part 2.... or something. I think Zayn's point of view of this situation is a lot more exciting than Jade's but it is important to know how she thinks of this whole movie night situation. 

QUICK NOTE! This chapter is dedicated to my favorite reader/commenter/voter,  Sayee90210. Enjoy!


Zayn's POV-

I figured since the spare bedroom was so huge, I could just turn it into a gym. I had my all of the equipment that I planned on putting in the upstairs loft arranged neatly around the room. All I had left to do was hang up the punching bag near the corner. 

"Just a little further..." I say with a struggle. 


Finally.... I let out a sigh of relief and lean against the wall. Why are punching bags so heavy?.... After resting against the wall for a few short moments, I pick up the left over screws and nails on the floor and put them in a small box. While folding the box shut, I walk towards the hallway closet to set the box on one of the empty shelves. 


Just as I was closing the closet door shut, I hear a slam. Jade's home. I guess I could go talk to her now... I head upstairs to my bedroom while thinking about what exactly I'd say to her. The more I think about it, the more crazy it sounds. What if she thinks it was nothing? What if she wants to talk about it as well? Ughhh.... I don't even know the girl and she's got me going crazy. 

I walk into the bathroom and splash my face with water to release some of the heat radiating off of my cheeks. I could always get to know her. It wouldn't hurt to make at least one friend while I'm here. I don't exactly count Shia as a friend, more of a boss instead so it wouldn't hurt. 

Maybe I could ask her if she wanted to watch a movie or something, but what if she thinks it's a date. Nah... A date would be asking if she wanted to go out to see a movie. I look in the mirror to inspect my appearance. I rearrange the grey beanie on my head and reapply deodorant. 

After finishing in the bathroom, I walk downstairs and into the living room by the tv. "What kind of movies do girls enjoy?" I ask myself. I fumble through the stack of DVD's that I put on the shelf and grabbed random movies with guys that girls would consider "hot". After placing them on the coffee table, I ran back up the stairs and into my room to grab a pair of socks. Why wear shoes when she is right across the hall? 

When I finished grabbing my phone, keys and movies; I exit my apartment and walk in front of Jade's door. Hesitantly, I knock softly. Shortly after knocking, Jade answers the door with shock spread across her face. I guess she wasn't expecting me to be the one knocking. 

"Hey.. Zayn." She says quietly. 

"Uhh, hey," I say awkwardly while placing one of my hands on the back of my neck. " would you like to watch a movie...? I mean, only if you're not busy." Why am I acting so nervous?

She looks me in the eyes for a few moments before speaking. "Um, sure." 

She doesn't sound so sure. This was a bad idea... to late to back out now. She takes a few steps backwards and opens the door more welcoming me in. After stepping in and closing her door for her, I wait for her to guide me around the house. I can already smell the scent of fresh apples. She turns around and walks down the hallway. 

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