Chapter 16

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Jade's POV-

I wake feeling exhausted beyond compare. My arms feel too tired to move and my legs... my legs are stuck. The light coming through my windows blinds me as I open my eyes. Zayn is sprawled out beside me on his stomach without a shirt. When did he take his shirt off? I try to move my legs out from under Zayn's carefully, trying to avoid waking him. Once my legs are free, I curl into a ball and face him. His lips are partly agape and his brows are slightly furrowed. I wonder what he's dreaming about. The expression on his face is almost pained. I move closer towards him and gently run my fingers through his hair. My lips tug up into a smile as his furrowed eyebrows begin to falter. 

He lets out a long sigh as the back of my fingers caress his scruffy cheek. With a smile still apparent on my lips, I turn to climb off of bed and stride to the bathroom. I look in the mirror then run my fingers through my hair, trying to calm the mane going insane. 

As I finish brushing my teeth and dropping my toothbrush into the holder, I hear a cough sounding from my room. I dry my mouth and walk back into the room. Zayn is now laid on his side with his arm around the pillow my head once rested on. I walk to the bedside table to grab my phone and check the time. It is almost nine a.m. After checking the time, I walk downstairs to the kitchen to begin making breakfast. 

The fridge has no groceries.... the cabinets are almost empty... and I have no food. I groan in frustration and quietly run up the stairs and into my closet. I strip from my over-sized t-shirt and slip on a v-neck then a pair of dark washed jeans and toms. When I get into my bedroom, Zayn is in the same position with the same expression I woke up to. The feeling I get as I watch the pained expression on his face is anything but good. My mind tells me to climb back into bed and repeat my actions from earlier but another part of me wants him to sleep. We stayed up really late last night talking about what we were. 

I had told him that I wanted to belong to him too. When I told him, his smile reached his eyes. His eyes didn't have that lonely, dark feeling to them. As I walk downstairs towards the front door, I think about how happy he was after I told him. I can remember how his heart sped up and how his hold around me tightened. Knowing that I was the one who caused that felt absolutely amazing. Never in my life have I ever felt so special. I'm still a bit shocked that we are together though. We have known each other for such a short amount of time and I feel as if hes been here with me the whole time. The whole year I've been in England. He came here, picked me up off my feet and made me develop a liking to him that I can't help but think is strong. 

When I step onto the sidewalks outside of the apartment building, my smile widens. I'm happy. Not the happy I get from creating a beautiful art piece but the kind of happy that makes my stomach flip over and over again. How can someone make another so happy and be considered almost strangers? 

When I enter the entrance doors to Starbucks, I am overwhelmed with the smell of coffee. I look around trying to find the familiar blue eyes that usually greets me but come out as a loss. The register is instead occupied with a female, probably in her 60's. 

"Hello. What would you like to order?" She asks with a smile once I am only a foot away from the counter. 

"Can I have two vente caramel frappucinos with extra caramel, a biscuit and a blueberry bagel please?" reply with a smile. She nods and grabs two cups. 

"What is this names for the orders?" She asks with a marker in hand, ready to mark down the names given to her. 

"Zayn and Jade." I smile at the sound of his name. I wonder if he woke up yet. Writing a note before I left probably would have been a good idea.... 

After grabbing the order, I begin to walk back to the apartment. I debate on going through the courtyard on my way back or not. The thought of seeing others talent brings an excited smile to my face so I take the route to the courtyard. 

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