Chapter 14

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Jade's POV-

After we cooked and ate dinner, we sat at the dinner table just talking and getting to know each other. I let him know that I meant taking things slow. I don't want to rush into anything. We only just met each other for crying out loud, and I let him kiss me. Not in a million years would the old American Jade let this happen. I'm glad I let it happen though; maybe having someone special in my life is what I need here. I live my life day by day without anything special happening and with him, I've had a week of unexpected excitement, drama, and frustration. 

Moving to London was suppose to be the highlight of my life. It was suppose to be what brought adventure in my life. Sure it was fun when I had first arrived, but I soon found myself working and at school all hours of the day. When I wasn't, I was busy painting and writing. I still haven't been on the London Eye, and I promised myself that I would ride it. I even did a project on it in high school with Alyssa..... That project was such a BS'ed project. 

Alyssa..... I miss my best friend. I wonder what she will think of Zayn. Knowing her, she will probably make fun of me for liking him. Without knowing who Zayn is, he looks like a cocky bad-ass. I remember in high school when I'd tell her about a guy I liked, the first thing she would say is "I bet he's cocky.". She was always right about that which made me laugh at myself for ending up liking them knowing the kind of person they were. 

When I would tell her there was this guy I might like, she guess that he had brown or black hair, brown eyes and was muscular. My eyes widen in realization before I start laughing rediculously. Zayn... he's exactly my type. 

"What?" Zayn asks me from on the other side of the couch. We ended up on the couch re-watching last night's movie since I fell asleep. Him on one side of the couch and me on the other with my legs stretched out in the middle. I look up at him and debate on whether I should tell him what I'm thinking. 

"Nothing. I just thought of something funny is all. It's honestly nothing," I say, deciding not to tell him and admit that I, indeed, had a type. 

"It didn't seem like nothing. Come on, tell me," He pressures. I bring my fingers up and mess with my lips while trying to hide the smile on my face thinking about it.

"Jadeeeeeeeeeeee-" he drags out with a small pout on his lips. I look him in the eyes and see a playful look in them.

"Fine. I'll tell you, but it's silly. I don't see why you want to know," I say giving in.

"Because. If it made you laugh and makes you happy. I want to know so that I can as well," He says, replacing the frown with a shy smile.  I look at him shocked. He is serious about it too. Feeling awkward, I look down and hide the small smile trying to surface on my lips. After making sure I wasn't blushing, I look back up to him. The look on his face just shows he knows that I was. 

"In highschool, I guess you could say I had a certain type of guys I was attracted too. My friend would make fun of me because when I'd tell her of a guy, she would guess exactly what he looked like and his personality. I'm not saying I have a certain type anymore, but you fit it exactly. Black hair, golden brown eyes. You're very fit and have a bad-ass persona." I say. I could continue saying how his hair is always styled, which I love about guys. 

A smirk appears on his lips after me saying this and he leans his head back and laughs. I watch as his eyes squeeze shut, and his nose crinkles as he does so. 

"What?" I ask, crossing my arms up to my chest. He scoots closer to me and lifts my legs up then puts them on his lap. 

"So.. I'm a bad-ass?" He questions with that smirk still apparent. I huff and uncross my arms. 

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