Chapter 21.

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  "What the fuck." I mumbled. I rolled out of bed and put on my socks. Obviously everyone else thought the same thing, because we were all poking our heads out our doors. Mom, dad, and Mia came out of their rooms and slowly walked downstairs. I on the other hand went back to bed. I must've been asleep for at least an hour, when I heard small giggles in my room. I already knew it was probably Fade and Manir about to wake me up. What all gave it away was Duchess saying, "Dri-Dri!" When she said that I heard more than just Fade and Manir tell her to be quiet. I looked up and Mia just screamed, "Now!" Ice cold water fell on me and I shrieked. "What the heck!" I screamed. "Shouldn't have slept in on Christmas." Mia said. "I was tired." I whined. "You made us wait another hour to open presents. That's what you get!" Fade said. "I got it on video." Manir laughed. I groaned and got out of bed. There's no point in staying in my bed when it's soaking wet, along with my pajamas. "Get out!" I said. "You better not go back to sleep." Mia said. "Bad Dri-Dri." Duchess said, walking out my room with everyone else.

    I took the sheets off my bed and put them in the hallway. I then went back in my room and closed the door, so I could put on warmer pajamas. I went downstairs and sat on the floor. My dad was on the couch laughing his ass off. "Would...would you like a b-blanket?" He asked, barely even finishing the sentence. I nodded my head and he tossed a blanket to me. He was literally in tears. "It wasn't funny!" "The neighbors probably heard you. Oh gosh. I need to take a minute." Dad walked out the living room holding his stomach from laughing so hard. Then mom came in with a cup of hot chocolate, and a goofy smile. I knew she was laughing too. "You let them do this to me? What kind've monster are you?" I asked. "A monster who just made you hot chocolate, but can take it and drink it herself." "No, I'm sorry! Thank youuu!" I took the hot chocolate and smiled. Mia, Fade, Manir, and Duchess walked into the room and I glared at them. "How you feeling?" Manir snickered. I just continued to glare at them. "Oh snap. We getting the silent treatment now." Fade laughed. "I'll get you back." I mumbled, crawling to the Christmas tree. I got gray UGGs, M.A.C products, clothes, Chris Browns new album, and some phone cases. Everything I wanted basically.

    I was currently in my room tying up my Timberlands, because we were going outside to play in the snow. I may be 16, but I'm the most immature mature person ever, if that even makes sense. I grabbed my coat and looked outside. There were water guns, water balloons, snowballs, and a hose set up outside. Everytime it snows we have this big competition to see who can go the longest without going inside, so we have to make each other really cold and stuff. Sometimes they last for a really long time, even after our family gets here. A couple of times the rest of the family came outside to play because no one was going in. In this competition it's literally every man for himself. I'm shocked it hasn't turned into us all arguing and flipping stuff, like when we play uno or monopoly. That shit be intense. We even had our own little hide outs and bases. When I walked out Fade was leaning against moms car, Manir was staring me down, and Mia was putting her hair in a ponytail. I stood against the steps and waited for my dad to come out. When he came out he looked like an actual referee. "Alright! You guys know the rules. No kicking, punching or any of that stuff. Stay in our area. Don't talk to the neighbors, they know what we're doing since we do it every year. And stay safe. Now shake hands." We shook each other's hands then went back to where we were standing. "If you see anything suspicious, try to find the others then come back to the house immediately. Now, on your march...get set...go!" We all races to get a water gun and started spraying it at each other. I dropped my gun and went for the hose. I turned it on low and started spraying them, which made them run around the house.


    Now the whole damn family is in the game. I'm pretty sure we'll all be sick tomorrow, but it doesn't matter. I was running from my Uncle Marc and ran right into Mia. I looked back then back at Mia. There was a pile of snowballs behind her. When Uncle Marc found us he started spraying us with the water guns he had. I ran behind Mia and took some snowballs, and stuffed them down Mia's shirt. She started screaming and trying to get them out as I laughed.

    In the distance I heard sirens. I walked to the front of the house and there were police officers walking to our front door. "Excuse me, but why are you here?" I asked. "We got a call saying that your neighbors heard screams of bloody murder." I furrowed my eyebrows, because all the neighbors know we do this every year. Then I remembered that there was a new family living three houses down, and I started laughing. I guess that kind've made me look suspicious, considering the fact that he just said "screams of bloody murder" and I'm sitting here laughing. The police officers looked at each other, and were probably thinking I'm crazy or something. Thankfully our other neighbors came outside to see what was going on. A lot of them came over and started saying we do this every year and how the new family hasn't experienced it yet since its their first Christmas on the block. "Yeah! The screams of bloody murder is just snow getting shoved down their shirts, getting hit with water guns and hose water, snow, and slipping on ice into splits we didn't know we could do. I swear we are not murderers." And as if on cue dad was running and screaming like it was 'bloody murder' because Maria was chasing him with a super squirted screaming at the top of her lungs, "NEVER TOUCH MY PHONE AGAIN!" Then Uncle Marc and my Aunt Alicia were chasing their 17 year old son, my cousin, Dontae, throwing snowballs while screaming, "NEVER SNEAK OUT THE HOUSE AGAIN!" "As you can see we use this to get a lot off our chests and not getting in trouble for it since its part of the rules." I calmly said. Suddenly I felt a snowball hit my arm. I turned and saw my cousin Jamal laughing. "Remember when we were 7 and you stole one of my WWE action figures?" He asked. I nodded my head and picked up some snow. "Give me 5 minutes." I said. "We also talk trash to each other, and act as if we will kill them. Again we aren't murderers." I said to the police officer. "But aren't there younger kids in your family who can't do this?" "Yup! They stay in the house with Mom-mom, Abuela, and Great-aunt Patty and help with the food. Everyone else is out here letting out steam." I said. "Well I guess there's no need in me being here. Sorry to have disturbed you." The officer said, leaving. I ran to the back of the house and saw Jamal standing there.

This might get crazy.

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