Chapter 41.

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     I went into the vet and waited in the waiting area. I had finally taken Prince to get the shots I told Andria we'd take him to get. We never got the chance to do it during the school year because we were always busy, so I decided to get him from the park and surprise her.

"Eric?" The vet called out. I stood up and went over to him, where he led me to the back and Prince was in a cage. "So, Prince is alright. He doesn't have any diseases we need to worry about, or any for that matter." The vet informed me. "I was told he was a stray. So I'm sure that means you don't have any papers for him?" He asked. "Correct." I answered. "I'll get the papers for you, and then everything'll be set." He walked out the room. I looked at the cage and put my finger in between it.

At first, Prince was rubbing against my finger, then he bit me. "Ow! Bitch." I mumbled. Then I realized that a bitch is a female dog and Prince isn't a dog, nor is he a female. I was literally having a debate with myself on why I called him a bitch. "Pussy." I shouted to myself. That's what Prince is. "A pussy." I glared at him. The doctor walked in and I jumped. I was scared that he had heard me shouting. "All you have to do is sign here, and we're good to go." He handed me papers and I signed them. I took the cage and walked out to my car. I put the cage in the passenger seat, then went to the drivers seat.

I had already gotten Prince a flee collar, food, litter, and a litter box. Since it was my gift to Andria, I figured I'd get Prince everything he needs, as a gift to him, too.

When I got to Andria's house, I picked up the cage, put the collar inside it, put the litter box on top, the litter inside the litter box, and the food off to the corner in the litter box. I ain't tryna make two trips. I carried all that to Andria's door and attempted to ring the doorbell. After about five minutes, I gave up and knocked on the door with my foot as loud as I could. Manir opened the door and stood aside. "Hey Eric. Andria's up in her room with Duchess. What's all this?" She asked taking the litter off, then dropping it on accident. "What was that?" Andria shouted from upstairs. She came downstairs with Duchess and when Duchess saw me she ran towards me. This little girl loves me, and I love her back. "Eric, what's all this?" Andria asked, taking the litter box and giving the cat food to Manir.

By now, Fade had come and took the bag of litter and we were all in the basement, putting it down. I had set the cage down and opened it. It took a minute before Prince came out and during that minute Andria was asking tons of questions. "Why did you bring all this stuff?" Was the last question she asked before Prince came out. When she saw him, she gasped and looked at me. "You got him for me?" She asked. "Yeah. I never had enough time during the school year, so I did it now." "What is this like, an early birthday present so you don't have to give me one next month?" "No. I can't just get you the cat you love?" "What do I have to give you in return?" "Nothing!" I laughed. She eyed me for a minute then bent down to pet Prince. "Thanks." She smiled.


     Andria, Prince, and I were in her room on the bed chilling. "And I also didn't get Prince in a pursuit to get you to like me. I know you still like Chresanto and I just have to accept that." I said. Of course, I'm kinda hurt, cause a nigga really fell for the girl, and she don't even like me. "I wasn't even thinking that. You're a good friend. Basically, my best friend. We're always together, and I'm happy." "Alexandria!" I heard her mom shout. I didn't even know her full name was Alexandria. I just thought they wanted to be different and change the spelling to the simple name, 'Andrea'. "Why is there a litter box in my basement?" She was now coming up the stairs.

     Ms. Veronica was fine with me being over...when she knew. I'm pretty sure she didn't know this time, so it was either going to be my ass, Andria's ass, or both of our asses. Ms. Veronica came into Andria's room, and she was about to say something, then she noticed me. She raised an eyebrow, started pacing, and speaking in Spanish. I took that as my chance to leave, and it wasn't even my idea to leave, it was Andria's. I tried to get to the door, but Ms. Veronica turned around. "Get downstairs in the basement!" She slowly looked at Andria and said, "You too." She may be a little shorter than the both of us, but her stare was just intimidating.

     We both went downstairs to the basement silently. "I should've asked to come over." I mumbled. "I should've remembered that she was leaving work early." "You should've remembered I don't allow people in my house, without my permission." Ms. Veronica said at the top of the stairs. "I should've remembered that she listens to everyone's conversation." "You should remember that I can still beat you with a belt if you keep talking!" "Man, I can't do nothing!" Andria sighed dramatically, which made me laugh, because she reminded me of George Lopez for a minute. "Don't think you can't catch one either, Eric!" Hearing that made me laugh again, but I knew it wasn't the time. It's obvious that it's gonna be both of our asses, today.


Eric and I sat on the couch in the basement waiting for my mom. I'm honestly scared out of my pants. Like, my mom don't play.

I looked over at Eric, who seemed to be calm as a stripper on a weekend. That's too damn calm! "You're not scared?" I asked in all seriousness. "Why should I be?" Eric asked. "It's obvious that you've never witnessed one of us getting in trouble by our mom. She will beat the mess out of you with-" I was cut off by my mom smacking the wall with a belt. "Do you think this is a game?" Mom asked. "Think what is a-" I covered Eric's mouth and said, "No." "Let Eric finish." Mom said.

Oh shit.

"Think what is a game, Ms. Veronica?" Eric finished. "Think that this!" She pointed at Prince, who was eating his food. "Is a game!" "Well you can play with him." I looked at Eric wide eyed at how brave he's being. I don't know how the hell he was raised, but my ass would be scared to give more than a one word answer. "I am not here for the sarcasm, Eric." "Then leave." I heard him mumble. Little does he know that my mom can hear everything.

I leaned back in shock. Now that shit was just over the boarder line, disrespectful. My mom dropped the belt and put her hand behind her back. I'm not even gonna try and tell Eric what's about to happen, cause now I'm just too scared to say anything. Mom cocked her arm back and swung so fast, you couldn't even see the wooden spoon in her hand. It hit hard on Eric's arm and he let out a shriek. "Why is there a cat in my basement?" She asked loudly. "I got it for Andria." Eric said holding his arm. "Why?" "Because she wanted it." "Did you get permission from me to have a cat in my house? No! I don't know how thing work at your house, but we need permission in this house." "Yes, ma'am." I said. "Just like you need permission to be in my house, period. I know, for a fact, that Andria knows she's not allowed to have company without permission! Don't you?" "Yes." "So why'd you have company and not tell me?" "It slipped my mind." She cocked back and as soon as she swung I rolled off the couch and hugged her legs.

I will do anything to not get hit with that spoon. If that means hugging her for the rest of the day, then shiddddd, I'm doing just that. "Eric, get out of my house. Now." Mom commanded. He got up and ran up the stairs. We could hear the front door open and shut loudly. I got up and went upstairs. Even though it may not seem like it, I'm mad. My company was just kicked out the house when he did nothing wrong.

     I sat in my room, pouting and my mom came in. "Mija, are you alright?" Mom asked. "Yes, I'm fine." I answered. "Do you understand why I told Eric to leave?" "Because you were mad." "No. Because now I need to be more cautious." "With what, mom? I'm getting older and I'm going to have friends over." "And that's my point. If I don't know who is over my house, then how can I protect you? You won't always have Jacob, Justis, or Chresanto over. You could have new people over, that I've never met without me knowing. One of them could be extremely dangerous and I wouldn't know it because you didn't tell me anything.  Something could happen to you–God forbid, and when they ask me or your father questions we wouldn't know what to say." "Okay, mom. I get it." "And like you said, you're getting older. If Eric had different pursuits, I could be a grandma soon." "Mom, no you wouldn't. I wouldn't even let him take anything that far. Or any boy for that matter, unless we were married. You raised a good child, mom." "Well you never know with this generation." "Mom, there's no need to worry."

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