Chapter 26.

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  I sat in my room with a blank notebook on my lap. It's been almost 3 months since I moved out here to LA and I haven't recorded one song yet. I don't know what the hell to write about! It's not like I don't have ideas, it's just that I don't know how to put them together to make a song. I've listened to every song I can think of. Shit...I've even listened to fucking Justin Bieber and I still don't know what to write about. People have written songs and showed them to me, but none of them speak to me and make me want to make it my own. And it's not like I'm not going to the studio either, because best believe I am. I go everyday, but all they have me rehears are damn covers. So far I've done a cover of 'Fine China', 'Liquor', 'Say It', 'The Hills', and 'Oui'. I've mentioned a time or two that I would want to try rapping, but every time I say it they dismiss it.

  The only thing that's been on my mind is Andria. She's been spending more time with Eric so I've been told, and honestly I'm pissed. She knows how I feel about her, so I don't see why she's talking to another nigga. We have that relationship where I'm not her nigga and she's not my girl, but she's still my girl and I'm still her nigga, if that makes any sense.

  I sat on my bed and flipped through the channels on tv. I put on 'The Rugrats' and continued trying to figure out what to write. Zack came in my room and tossed me my phone.

"Justis called you." Zack took one of the games I had for my XBOX ONE and left.

I swear that boy is always taking my shit. I unlocked my phone and dialed Justis' number. The phone rang and Justis picked up on the fifth ring.

"Hey Chresanto!" Justis shouted. She was happy about something I figured.

"What's up." I simply said.

"When's your song gonna come out?"

"I don't know, why?"

"Because I wanna hear my cousin sing! Duh."

"Well maybe if I could think of a damn topic to write about you'd hear it."

"No need to get defensive. Gosh."


"How is it down there? We've been getting snow. It doesn't feel right at school without you now. Like it's so quiet, I'm getting work done, and I don't have anyone to argue with at lunch, and-"

"It's fine down here. It's pretty hot though. It's weird going to online school now because I only have to be on for like 3-5 hours."

"Oh cool. I have an idea for you."

"Which is?"

"Ok. So you know how you've been doing covers and stuff? What if we started posting them on YouTube. That would let your fan base start to grow a little, then when you release your song whenever that will be, you'll have fans already. Then you keep posting more covers until your next single until you have an album and a stable enough fan base where you could take a break to work on new music and know that your fans wouldn't forget about you. Sound like a plan?"

I took in everything Justis had just said then smiled. She was right. I've been doing all these covers and they've just been sitting there. I'll put them on YouTube and get a fan base off of that. It was genius.

"How did you think of that?" I asked.

"I didn't." Justis said like I should've known.

"Then who did?"

"Think. Who's the smart one of us all?"

  I paused to think and of course Andria came to mind. If she had thought of that then why wouldn't she tell me instead of having Justis tell me.

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