Chapter 51 (Pt. 1).

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I finger combed my hair so the curls would loosen up some. Today was graduation, then afterwards I was going out to lunch with my entire family, then later tonight was a graduation party. I was most definitely ready for high school to be over because it was some of the most stressful years of my life. I planned on taking a year off and model and get my name out there, then go to school. I still had NaeNae's card after all this time and I hoped she still wanted me to model for her. I hadn't seen her since that day and I'm convinced she forgot about me.

I slipped on my dress and sat on my bed since I was about to put my shoes on. I looked at my door as I saw Maria walk in. Her graduation was last week and she was gonna take a year off with me and we were gonna live together. "I gotta tell you something." Maria said. "And when I do, I'll completely understand if you don't wanna live together anymore." "You're pregnant." I guessed. "How'd you know?" "You started gaining more weight around your hips." I applied a layer of lipstick then looked her up and down and smiled. "Yeah, definitely. When are you telling your parents?" "You know they crazy so I don't know. I may break it to them at lunch, but then they may not want me to leave them and move with you." "Yes they will because they know I'll take care of you and the baby. Does the father know?" "Fuck the father. Bastard ass."

     I got comfortable knowing that a story was coming. "Now me and the father had been talking for about 5 months and we got in a relationship and were dating for about 3. We had known each other for a minute or whatever and both of us wanted it. So we did the get down with the get down, right? Dick was mad good, I'll give him that." I laughed. "Now mind you, we had been talking basically from the beginning of the school to Christmas break when he asked me out the day before we came back. We were dating from January 4th to May 16th. We did the get down April 12th–" "How you remember the dates?" I asked laughing. "Girl you know my memory is on point. Now back to the story. So he didn't start acting weird until the last week of April where he started accusing me of cheating and allat. I wasn't cheating cause you know that's not my wave. But he kept freaking accusing me so I confronted him like don't keep accusing me of doing stuff that you know I wouldn't do. Then he got mad at me and called me a liar. So then this girl on Instagram that's a junior, she sent me screenshots of him texting her. They were talking and she asked if he had a girl and he said, "Yeah, but she bitching". Then she told me she stopped talking to him, but I don't know how true that is. And she found my Instagram from his tagged photos. So now this is the day I found out I was pregnant, which was two weeks ago. We were on a date and I had planned on breaking up with him too, and I said, "This girl sent me screenshots on Instagram of you talking to her and saying I was bitching. I don't appreciate you talking to another girl while you're with me and on top of that saying that I'm bitching. I'm breaking up with you, but I also need to let you know that I'm pregnant." Girl! He said that the baby wasn't his and that it was probably one of the nigga's I been fucking baby. Then he called me a hoe, whore, slut, bitch, all that then left me."

     I raised my eyebrows and looked at her in shock. "He ain't shit. He can fall in a bottomless hole." "I know right. I'm officially done with nigga's. So done that this summer I'm not even gonna hoe around and talk to nigga's." "They won't wanna talk to your pregnant self anyway." Maria cut her eyes at me then smiled. "I'm only a month pregnant. You can't tell." "And when you hit 3 months right as summer's ending and they see you gained weight, they're gonna call you fat and you're gonna be butt hurt." "You're so mean. How does Eric deal with you?" I smiled at the thought of him. "He's meaner than me." "Ugh! Y'all so cute it's disgusting. Gonna make me throw up." "No, that baby is." I finally put my shoes on and grabbed my phone and purse then we went downstairs.

     My whole family was downstairs and they started gassing me as soon as they saw me. That's one of the things I loved about them. I knew when my name was called at graduation that I'd hear them until I'm deaf. "Oh, mija!" Aunt Melissa, Maria's mom cried. "You got lil boyfriend?" Uncle Carlos, Maria's dad asked. "Yes. He's really good, I swear." I said. I knew my uncles from my mom's side of the family and dad's side, along with my cousins would make all hell break loose when it came to the girls in our family. If you asked me which side was crazier–black or Colombian–I wouldn't be able to say which. Both sides are crazy and will go through hell for their blood. That's loyalty right there. "We gon' meet him today." "Yeah. I told him already." "Even if you didn't, we was finna meet him." Uncle Dwayne, my dad's brother said. "Y'all probably gonna try and scare him off." I said rolling my eyes. "So?" Everyone said. My mouth dropped before I started laughing.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 07, 2017 ⏰

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