Chapter 19.

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    The car ride home was silent except for the radio playing. As soon as Aaron pulled into the parking lot I damn near ran out. I got into the apartment and went into the bedroom.

"Mia!" Aaron shouted. "What!" "Who the fuck you talking to?" "You nigga!" "Can we talk about this?" "What? That you kissed my bestfriend! What's there to talk about?" "That song made me feel some type of way." "How? It wasn't even about you. I was just writing stuff. Get over it." "Oh ok. Then like that was just a song, what happened in the hallway was just a kiss. It ain't mean shit." "Excuse me? That song was the shit. It won the talent show, thank you very much." "And another thing. We've been together for two years, and this is the first time I've actually done this, so I should be forgiven." "Nigga...first of all, you're right. We've been dating for two fucking years. So why would you want to throw away that relationship? Oh I know. It's because your dumb ass friends got it into your head that it'll be alright to cheat. Yeah, I heard y'all talking when they came over. Don't even fucking play." "They ain't dumb, and they didn't tell me to cheat." "So you're saying you wanted to throw away a two year relationship for a damn kiss? Wow." "I don't want to throw it away." "You know what? I'm done. You told me I needed to act like an adult and make choices for myself, now you're the actual adult here and I'm being more mature than you. Even Fade knows that if you have a good relationship going, you wouldn't want to fuck that up." "Fade is like 12. He's probably learning about decimals and shit right now. He doesn't know anything about a relationship." "He knows more than you." I said opening the closet. I grabbed my suitcases and started throwing clothes in there. "What do you think you're doing?" "Putting clothes in my suitcases, duh." "Why?" "Cause I'm done." "No you're not." "Aaron let me put this in a way where you'll understand this. You broke my heart. You kissed my bestfriend and said it was nothing. You have a whole fucking future and past in front of you, with basketball and with me. With basketball you were going to different states with girls there that are prettier than me. They were watching sweat your ass off in the stadium, while I was home watching you. I trusted you. I didn't question you. But if I were somewhere and you found out that I was talking to some dude, you would throw a whole damn fit and would start questioning me. It's not just the kiss, Aaron. It's every damn thing that you do! You get an attitude when you don't get your way," I said, starting to pace, "How you expect me to bend over backwards for you, how if I don't want to do something you ignore the rest of the day. Just everything! I'm sick and tired of it! I miss the old Aaron. The Aaron from when we first started dating. When 17 year old Aaron would always ask what I wanted to do, before saying what he wanted to do. When you said I don't have to do anything I don't want to, or when you would curve every fucking girl!" I shouted.

I was in tears, crying my eyes out by now. I've been holding all this shit in for far too long, and I didn't realize how much it hurt until now. "I've risked so much, so we could be together. You're lucky that I even stayed for you this long. Cassidy and Tionna told me to leave millions of times. But me being my stubborn ass, said no! I said no, for two years, and now look where we are!" "Since we're being honest, when I was 17 I was at that point in life where I was desperate. I learned to love you over time. You were a 15 year old girl with a nice body to me at first, but like I said I learned to love you. I wanted to do anything to please you, cause I thought I would be able to hit. But two years into this relationship I still haven't. That's why I stayed for so long. You don't give your body away to any nigga that asks for it. I learned to love your personality, and everything else about you. I remember when you first started high school, girls made fun of you because you had bushy eyebrows, but now you don't even do anything to them, cause that's just what's in right now. When I first came up to you two years ago, I wanted to say something smart about your eyebrows. But when you looked at me I saw a girl, who looked as if she was sleep deprived, and I decided against it. You didn't even act different, you just asked if I could help you study. At first I was going to say no, but when you bent down and I saw that ass, I said yes. It wasn't until we were dating for like six months, that I realized that you weren't giving your body away. Then that's when I really started liking you. And when we were dating for at least a year, that's when I started to love you. After I said I love you, it's like you changed too. Maybe I want 15 year old Mia back." Aaron said.

I slowly nodded and continued putting things in my suitcases. "Aaron, thank you for telling me that. I don't know what you were thinking, like if that was just something you had to get off your chest, or if you thought that it would change my mind. But it didn't change my mind, if that was your motive. In some way I will still love you, but not as a boyfriend. This relationship is too complicated, and I realized that my song was me getting stuff off my chest. Not just a random song." Aaron shifted his weight from one foot to another and said, "So for us this means..." "That we're over." I confirmed.

Aaron helped me put my stuff in the trunk of my car, and hugged me one last time. When he let me go he looked away and started slowly nodding his head. I guess it was finally sinking in to him that I was done, and it wasn't just one of my bluffs. He walked back into the building as I got in my car. I sat there and cried for at least ten minutes. When I finally got myself together and I turned the radio on and Dance For You by Beyoncé played. "No!" I shrieked, and slammed my fist onto the steering wheel. I turned the radio off and started to drive. I called my dad and he picked up in like three rings.

Daddy❤️: Hey baby girl.

Mi-Mi!!!👸🏼: Hi daddy.

Daddy❤️: You sound like you've been crying. What's wrong?

Mi-Mi!!!👸🏼: Nothing. But I'm moving back in for now.

Daddy❤️: Is everything OK with you and Aaron?

Mi-Mi!!!👸🏼: I mean...I just realized that I wasn't ready to live with him.

Daddy❤️: OK. I'll tell everyone. They'll be excited that you're moving back in.

Mi-Mi!!!👸🏼: Great.

Daddy❤️: Oh, and Manir's planning something, so I suggest you hurry up, so you don't miss it. And Justis and Jamaica are over, so you already know it'll be hectic.

Mi-Mi!!!👸🏼: Obviously.

Daddy❤️: Alright, I love you.

Mi-Mi!!!👸🏼: Love you more.

I hung up, but I got another call from an unknown number. I reluctantly answered the phone.

??: Is this Mia Luthers?

Mi-Mi!!!👸🏼: Yes, why?

??: I'm Gia Matthews. I was at the talent show earlier today, and I wanted to say you were amazing.

Mi-Mi!!!👸🏼: Thanks. But how did you get my number?

Gia: I spoke with your mother earlier, and she gave it to me.

Mi-Mi!!!👸🏼: So is that all you wanted to say, or there was something else?

Gia: I'm an agent, and I want to have a meeting with you tomorrow if that's good with you.

Mi-Mi!!!👸🏼: Oh, cool! Yeah tomorrow's good.

Gia: Great! Would you like to meet up at Starbucks at about 11:30?

Mi-Mi!!!👸🏼: Of course. I'll see you tomorrow.

Gia hung up the phone and I sighed.

I hope I made the right decision.

Best Friends          (ON HOLD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz