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Nigga give me the damn ball!" I said trying to get the basketball from Chres. "No, you just fouled me!" He said holding the ball in the air. "Nooo, you fouled me. You pushed me." I said crossing my arms. "What? Girl I ain't put my hands on you. You pushed me!" "No I didn't!" "I almost died cause you pushed me so hard." Chres said trying to shoot the ball. I blocked it and grabbed the ball. I tried to take the shot, but Chres picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Chres! Put me down!" "Nah I'm good." He started walking, and I was just hitting him on his back. "When will you put me down?" "I don't know. When I get tired." "Where are we going?" "Wendy's." Chres carried me all the way to Wendy's since he doesn't have a car, because we're only 16. He finally put me down once we got there. "You're tired now?" I asked bouncing the basketball. "No. You're light as hell. I just don't want to carry you inside because it'll be hard to eat with you on my shoulder." "Fat ass." I mumbled. "What was that?" Chres asked raising an eyebrow. "I didn't say anything. You're going crazy."


Chres finally took me home after he ate, so now I'm in my room listening to Love More by Chris Brown. "Hey girly!" My 8 year old sister Manir (pronounced: Ma-near) said. "Heyy." "What're you doing?" "Just chilling." "Well mommy said to come down and help with dinner." I nodded and got up. I jogged downstairs and saw my 2 year old sister, Duchess playing with her stuffed O doll from the movie 'Home'. "Andy!" She smiled. "Hi baby." I said tickling her. I walked in the kitchen and saw my 17 year old sister, Mia looking in the cabinet. "Where's Fade, mommy, and daddy?" I asked referring to my 13 year old brother. "Fade and dad are outside raking leaves, and mom is downstairs in the basement." As if on cue my mom came up the stairs. I admire my mom so much because she's always talking about natural beauty, being yourself, and not letting anyone change you. Like really I've never even seen my mom wear any kind of makeup besides lip stick and eyeliner. All of my siblings except Manir, are light skin like my mom, and Fade, Duchess, and I have brown curly hair like her. We're mixed with Columbian and black. My mom is Columbian and her accent is really thick. Her eyelashes look fake, but they really aren't, she also has thick eyebrows, but not so thick that it makes you look ugly. My mom honestly pulls off looks that girls my age can't even pull off. "How was your day, princesa (princess in Columbian)?" Mom asked with her thick accent. "Pretty good. Chres and I played basketball for most of it." "Did you finish your homework?" "Yeah. I just have to ask Mr. Collen if I can get a one day extension on my English report about my life style because I just thought of an extra chapter to put in." "How many chapters do you need to have to write?" Mia asked. "Four. The first one is about growing up and before being in high school, the second one is about what I do after school, the third one is about what I do when there isn't any school, and the fourth one is about responsibilities. I'm adding a fifth chapter about family and how you guys help me." "Aww." My mom, Mia, and Manir said. I playfully rolled my eyes and said, "Plus any extra chapters are extra credit points, and I need as many as I can get." "That's my girl." My dad said kissing me on the forehead. "Yeah. That's my girl." Fade said mocking dad. I laughed as Fade and I did our handshake. Welcome to my life

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