Chapter 46.

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     I sat in the swirly chair writing random lyrics. I'm trying to come up with another song that's gonna blow 'Amazing' away. Yes bitch, I'm being petty. Andria told me everything that happened and I ain't with the shits.

     I checked the clock and it said it was 1:27 a.m. I hadn't even realized it was this late. The building was already closed, so I continued writing.


I woke up the next day and saw that I had a missed call from Aaron. I checked the time and it said 10:46. I called Aaron back. I didn't think he'd answer because he's normally at the gym at this time.

"Where you at?" Aaron asked as soon as he answered. "You ain't come home last night. Yo ass got me worried."

"I'm still at the studio. I lost track of time."

"Well come to the gym, then. I wanna see you before I leave tonight." I pouted and Aaron somehow knew I was. "Stop pouting and come to the gym."

He hung up and I got my stuff together. Aaron stayed in LA for about two weeks and he has to go back now so he can practice with his team and stuff. I don't know when yet, but I'm gonna go to Washington to stay with him for a couple weeks. This is how we're doing it until we're married and figure everything else out.

     I called an uber since Aaron had dropped me off yesterday. I waited for the uber outside and when it pulled up I got in. I sat and scrolled through Instagram until I got to the gym, because the driver was creepy.

     When the driver pulled up to the gym, I got out. I already knew what part of the gym Aaron would be at so I just walked straight to him. He was on the treadmill and I sat down next to his stuff. He got off and then came over to me. "Hey." He tried to hug me, but I moved. "What?" He asked trying to hug me again. "Stop. You're sweaty." I said, moving again. "Really?" "Yes, really. After you take a shower, then I'll be all up on you, but right now...just no." He shook his head and we left the gym.

We got in the car and started on our way to my new house. Aaron and I talked about random things like we used to before we broke up. I've never really brought this up around Tionna or Cassidy because I never felt the need to, but how the hell did they both end up in the hallway at the same damn time? They both disappeared at the same time, so there has to be something they're not telling me. I'm gonna talk to Aaron when we get home about it, cause I don't feel like getting made at each other in the car and not being able to go anywhere. Aaron parked the car in the driveway and we both got out.

     "So babe, remember back in December when we broke up?" I asked

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     "So babe, remember back in December when we broke up?" I asked. "Yeah. Hard to believe it was almost a year ago." Aaron said, taking his shirt off. "So when I was singing Complicated, it really made you feel some type of way?" "Yeah. It made me feel like I was doing something wrong, you know?" "Uh, yeah. So when you walked out the auditorium, was Cassidy already out there or..." Aaron turned around giving me his full attention now. "Why you ask?" "Because, I never really found out." "She told me to meet her out there." "How? You guys weren't even next to each other." "I had your phone, remember? She texted it saying 'meet me in the hallway'. She sent it during your performance. I was gonna stay in the auditorium and just tell you after you were done how I felt about the song, but then she sent, 'it's about Mia' or something like that, so that's when I got up. When I came outside, she was already there. I asked her what's going on with Mia, since she told me it was about you," he tapped his head and made a 'duh' facial expression, "And she said something about how I don't seem happy or something and she was filling my head with stuff about how the song was about me and you was talking shit about our relationship, so now I'm mad when I originally wasn't even mad. So during all this I ain't even realize she was leaning in."

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