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"Poor Jason." John said while looking over at the lonely blonde boy sitting at a lunch table. Melissa and her little gang were back and better than ever apparently. Though I don't think John was really the main problem with that group, no, I'd much rather prefer Destiny or Chase to be outcasted.

"But whose that new girl then?" I asked looking curiously at bubbly dark haired girl sitting next to Melissa.

"Oh that's Lena, Melissa's best friend apparently."

I gave him a weird look, "And how do you know this, but I don't?"

"Girl I be telling you a bunch of priceless information but you never listen!" He said snapping his fingers around in a dramatic circle.

"Ok but-" Suddenly I was cut off when someone snuck up from behind me and sat down next to me. To my surprise it was Melissa's so called best friend.

"Hi! I'm Lena!" She said while extending her hand out towards me. Knowing she was Melissa's best friend I just stared at, thinking of things this girl was planning on doing to me.

"What do you want from me?" She frowned and took her hand back. Out of the corner of my eye I could see John trying not to laugh by sipping on his drink.

"Well I was just trying to get to know everyone."

"I find that very hard to believe considering John and I are total losers." I felt a quick punch on arm coming from John of course.

Lena smirked at me and clicked her tongue, "No need to get all hostile. I merely came over here to check something out for myself. Goodbye Ren." She quickly got up and jogged back over to a frantic looking Melissa who immediately pulled her off to the side and started quietly arguing with her.

"How'd she know your name?" John asked while checking out some guy that walked by.

"Wow, not sure but those girls are up to something. Maybe not their whole little gang but definitely Melissa and Lena. I swear Ally, Destiny, and Chase were like the blind leading the blind. Always doing dumb shit and no one would ever ask that golden question, Why are we doing this? They'd just go along with it.

But whatever.

"Earth to Ren!" I shook my head and looked over at John. "Look." He pointed over to Jason's table. I saw Chase and Jason silently speaking with each other but Jason wasn't really looking at Chase. With a final nod Jason stood up and left the cafeteria. Chase sat there for a second, staring at his hands before getting up and leaving too.

"They better not be fucking." John said while angrily throwing his water bottle.


"Chase and Jason! Doesn't Jason know Chase is my man! Ugh sometimes it's so frustrating being a closeted gay. Like if I was out you bet your ass you'd see me openly checking out guys and I'd probably get a boyfriend so much faster."

"So then why don't you just come out then John?"

"The same as everyone else who isn't out yet. I'm scared Ren, like, terrified. It's always been 'wow John you're so handsome, why don't you have girlfriend yet? I bet a lot are interested in you.' Do you know how hard it is to reply to that without laughing or totally breaking down! I'm honestly just trying to wait till I'm in college, then I'll scream it from the rooftops."

I reached my arms above my head and stretched before standing up, "Well John all I can say is I'd never wish what happened to me on you. But I'm sure you'll have it easier." John's family wasn't too religious but even I didn't know how'd they react.


Melissa's POV

I roughly grabbed Lena's arm and pulled her away from the group.

"Lena what the hell! I told you not to speak with Ren!" Lena just started giggling at me.

"Aw Ren, she's so cute! I can soooo see why you're into her!" I put my hand over her mouth and looked around.

"Keep your voice down, will ya?" Yes, it's true. Now you all know the biggest secret I've ever had in my life. Well.... second biggest. First would have to be that I'm gay, but you get it. I think I've always had a crush on Ren.

At first it was very innocent, cute even. But now it's like raging storm, I can't stop thinking about her. I "bully" her so she doesn't get any ideas, though I secretly wish she did. I wish she tried to flirt with me, I also wished she at least showed signs that she liked me back. And yes, I know that's really selfish considering how I treat her.

"Melissa you know I love you, but you gotta at least try and make a move. Someone's gonna come and swoop her away and you're just gonna have to watch it all happen."

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, "I know Lena, I know."


Just a short filler chapter but the next one will be up soon.

Also, if you're bored out of your mind I suggest watching the web series on YouTube called Theater Class by Brandon Rodgers. Absolutely hilarious.

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