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"John....oh my god, you didn't!" I groaned while covering my face with my hands. We were currently eating at our favorite Chinese restaurant since it was my birthday. It was one of those restaurants where they cook in front of you and put on a cute little show.

Everything was going good until I saw a line of waiters and waitresses coming towards my table singing happy birthday. As if getting sung happy birthday to by your family and friends wasn't embarrassing enough. Judging by the look on John's face, he had set this up with them.

I uncovered my face once they got to the table because even though I was dying on inside, I didn't want to be rude. After they finished singing, they gave me a little crown and a free ice cream.

Once all the waiters and waitresses left, I smacked John on the shoulder. "You asshole! I told you not to do that!"

"When?" He asked faking confusion.

"I distinctly told you, please don't make the people sing for me it's unnecessary, and you did it anyway!"

"What can say? It's my job to annoy you." He said chuckling.

"Damn right it is." I mumbled before finishing my ice cream. After paying the check, John and I started to head back to my truck.

"Hey...you know what? Let's go have an adventure! I'm feeling adventurous!" John exclaimed while getting in the truck.

"And with what money John? We just spent all our money at the restaurant right now." I said after getting in the truck.

"We don't need money! Let's go to Walmart!" He said.

"You do realize that's a store right? Where you buys things....with money." I said shooting down his idea.

"Well okay...understandable." He said before his eyes widened in realization. "Let's go to the mall! Lots of stores and lots of fun. Plus there's no pressure to buy anything." He said looking at me expectingly.

I groaned before nodding at him. He squealed before repeadingly hitting my shoulder, urging me to hurry up.

We arrived at the mall around 6 pm and the mall was full of life. Families were running around doing their last minute Halloween shopping.

Even though my birthday was a little over a week from Halloween, that didn't mean I liked the holiday. It was like everyone and their mother made it their responsibility to scare me on Halloween. There wasn't one Halloween that went smoothly.

Though as of late, I've been going to Halloween costume parties since I'm a little too old to be trick-or-treating. People still found a way to scare me. And by people, I mean John of course.

The little shit got me every single year.

"Oh that reminds me. I have to devise a plan to scare you." John said, noticing me looking at all the Halloween decorations in disgust.

"Oh no you don't. This year I'm not letting you scare me." I said confidently.

"We'll see." He said before skipping off towards the costume shop.

"Come on, skip with me!" He said while increasing his skipping speed.

"I don't think that's a good idea!" I yelled back at him but it was too late. John's foot got caught on the corner of a mall bench, sending him flying through the air. I practically busted a lung, I was laughing so hard.

Not Again! (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now