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Ren's POV

"You just had to get a giant stuffed bear." John and I were currently on our way to Shoe Paradise so we could go on the trip. The time was 4:25AM.

John laughed, "Luckily that store sold them."

"You're lucky they open at four in the morning!"

John laughed and looked behind him at the bear in the back seat, "It was so worth it though."

I scoffed, "Spencer said to bring things that we'll need! Now look at us, we're probably gonna be late."

"Well quit your crying and step on it then!" So here I was, speeding down the street with my best friend, a giant bear, all while listening to 80's music.

I looked in my rear view mirror and saw the bear slouching in the back with a seat belt around its neck, "John did you really have to buckle him in?"

"Safety always comes first Ren."

I pulled in the parking lot at 4:31AM and instantly saw everyone since the parking lot was deserted. It looked like Spencer had rented a small bus to take us up to our campsite.

I looked over at John, "I'm not helping you bring the bear onto the bus."

"Oh come on Ren!"

Parking the car I laughed, "He's your problem now." I took the keys out of the ignition and placed them in my pocket. I unlocked all the car doors and stepped out the truck.

I closed my door and went to back seat to grab the one suitcase I brought along with me. I then started to walk over to the bus with my suitcase rolling behind me. John was close behind me.

"I'll come back for the bear in a sec."

Spencer smiled when he saw us, "Ren! John! So nice of you to join us."

Chase undid the latch on the window and stuck his head out, "Get your asses on the bus now."

I flipped him off and focused my attention on Spencer, "Sorry we're late. John had to make a last minute stop at the store to buy something."

John made a confused face, "What is it that'd he would need at four in the morning?"

John laughed, "You'll see in a sec. Just let me put my luggage in the bus."

Spencer motioned towards the bus door, "After you."

Climbing up the steps of the bus was actually kinda hard. I had to pull my huge bag along with me which wasn't fun. Everyone seemed to have already picked out their seats.

Jason was in the very front but it just looks like he just threw himself down in the first seat he saw. Chase was towards the middle of the bus sitting alone, but Destiny was in the seat across from his. Melissa and Lena were sitting in the seat before the very last seat. It was kinda weird. Ally even sat across from them. But no one sat in the very last row.

I passed by everyone in the front and began to make my way to the very end of the aisle.

Melissa popped her head up when she saw that I was getting closer, "Where are you going?"

"Where do you think genius?"

"You can't sit back there, those are our seats."

I passed her and sat down in the seat right behind her, "That's too bad." She scoffed and faced forward in her seat.

John came next and Melissa didn't say anything to him, "Hey can I put my luggage by you?"

"Yeah sure hand me your bag." I grabbed his bag and put in on the space next to me.

Not Again! (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now