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"I just don't get it Ren. Why do you sit there and take it? Doesn't it hurt your feelings?" We were currently sitting inside John's truck drinking slurpee's in the Shoe Paradise parking lot. Basically trying to wait it out until my shift starts.

"It used to but now I think I've heard everything. There's nothing that they can say to me that I haven't heard before." John sighed and looked out the window.

A car came racing into the parking lot, blasting music from one of the local pop radio stations. Five sets of legs came out, all dressed in shirts with my favorite logo, "Shoe Paradise!" Modeled by my five favorite people of course.

"Psshh, good fuck, have mercy!" I slammed my fist down on the dashboard. I had a feeling it was gonna be them. When he mentioned 'a group of teenagers' I feared the worst. And now the worst, has come true.

John put his slurpee down and unbuckled his seatbelt, "No way, fuck that. I'm not letting you work here alone with those dicks." He slammed the car door shut and started walking towards the main entrance.

Shocked by his sudden outburst, I chased after him, "Wait John stop! You don't have to do this. Really.... it's not that serious."

He turned around and pointed to the 'Now Hiring!' sign, "You said he's low on staff right? Ren, I'm doing this to protect you. Just let me okay? Plus maybe if both of us save up the money we earn, we can buy something nice for ourselves yeah?"

I groaned and dragged a hand down my face, "Finnneee." John squealed and gave me a big hug, "Thanks cutie. Now come on." He dragged me through the main entrance and asked me what the owner looks like.

"Tall guy, dark skin, big smile on his face." John nodded and said he was gonna go apply for the job once he found the owner. Being left alone I decided to clock-in and start my shift.

On the way over there I kept glancing down and making sure my employee uniform was on correctly. I guess my anxiety was getting the best of me.

Before I could make it to the break room though a very flustered woman came up to me panting, "Excuse me ma'm but could you tell me where the restrooms are?"

After she said that realized she had a crying baby strapped on her back in some sort of holding device.

"Uh, down three aisles that way and to the left." Before she say thank you the crying suddenly stopped. The woman's eyes got big and she muttered a quick "shit" before rushing off in the direction of the restrooms. Did that baby just shit on its mothers back?

Shaking the disturbing thoughts from my head I entered the break room only to find all five of them in there, fucking around of course.

"Oh great, she works here now too? You're lucky I need money to pay for drugs. I can barely function without it." Jason said. Ally giggled and tossed herself onto him.

"Heteros." I muttered before grabbing my clock-in card and placing it in the clock-in box. As I pulled it out a feminine body came up and pressed me into the counter.

She leaned closer, her boobs pressing on my shoulder blades, and said "What was that Milky?" Of course it'd be Melissa. I turned around and tried to push her away but she stepped even closer to me.

By now I knew my face was beet red and my heart was racing. Her smirk was big, but her confidence was even bigger.

With one last push I made my way outside the break room in a fit of embarrassment. Hearing the distant laughs of the Five Tormenters behind me.

Not Again! (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now