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The next couple of months go by smoothly...for the most part. We all ended up going to that Kanye West concert and got high with a couple of strangers in the crowd. I don't know what convinced us to do it. Maybe it was our teenage brains that craved being rebellious and trying new things. Or maybe it was a product of my "fuck it" type of thinking that led me to it. It probably was a mixture of both.

The play was a total success despite all the road bumps we crossed getting it to that point. One of the those road bumps being the night of our first show, when Leah put Matt into a headlock. For the record it was totally justified, Matt was freaking out and threatened to ruin everything we all worked so hard to create. Had Leah not beaten me to it, I would've done the same thing. Although the process and the performing of the play was fun all around, I don't see myself taking up acting anytime soon.

My senior year was life changing. Not because of high school itself, that part sucked. Don't ever listen to those people that try and force you into clubs and sports you don't like. There are plenty of activities and things you can do outside of school that are much more fun.

So I say with a heavy heart that I regret nothing. I loved every moment I got to spend with John and Melissa. The good ones, like that one time John and I spent all day learning how to ride a skateboard but ended up with us more focused on who could last the longest without falling off. The bad ones, like that one time we set up a slip-n-slide on the roof which resulted in John busting open his head and telling me he was gonna die.

I regret nothing.

And yet I stand here looking at the grave with so much hate. With so much resentment. The raindrops falling out my head seem to drown out all the sad thoughts I have. Instead my head is filled with angry ones. Why do the things we love get taken away from us?

"Come on Ren we gotta go. We're gonna be late." They keep trying to distract me from it. They keep trying to tell me it's not a big deal. But they don't know John like I did. He meant so much more than they'll ever know.

"Ren!" A voice I know all too well calls out. "Will you stop being so dramatic? Jeez we're gonna be late to prom!"

I look over my shoulder at John holding up a muddy shovel with a teasing smile on his face. He's the one who helped me dig up a makeshift grave for my goldfish, John.

"God, can you let a girl mourn her dead goldfish? You're the one that killed him!" I said back to him.

He walked behind me and put his hand on my shoulder, "And I'm very sorry about that. I don't know how many times I have to say sorry for you to chill out. It was his time to go anyway."

You see, a couple years ago when John and I were freshman, I won a goldfish in a carnival game. John felt left out since he lost the carnival game, so I named the fish John to make, the human John, feel better. Being the good pet owner I am, I bought a tank and food and all the things you need to take care of fish. Figuring he wouldn't last more than a year, I never really paid John any mind. But once senior year came around he played a more active role in my life. I'd talk to him, like someone talking to Dr. Phil. Like the crackheads outside of gas stations talk to the Holy Spirit.

But earlier today, the human John, got a little crazy while dancing to a song on a radio and literally knocked John's tank out the window. By the time we got down there it was too late. We never found John's remains but if I had to guess, my neighbor's dog probably snatched him up.

So yes, me being my extra and petty self, I forced the human John to dig me a grave for the fish John. RIP John.

"Alright enough of this shit, let's go." I said after saying my final parting words to John. I quickly got ready for prom since I wasn't the average girl that needed hours to prep for it. I don't have the time or money for that.

I meet Melissa at the school and I know what you're thinking. No limo? Well, put some money in my bank account and we could've made that happen. With the price of the prom ticket being over one hundred dollars and the price of my outfit costing about the same, that was all I was willing to spend on prom.

When I first saw her though, my eyes almost fell out of my head. She was drop dead gorgeous of course and in that moment I felt single again. Not in a bad way, I felt those butterflies I used to feel before we got together. And those feelings of doubt came creeping back into my head. She can't possibly want to be with me.

But those feelings of doubt are long gone and replaced with love and reassurance when she wraps her arms around my neck and showers my face with little kisses. I live for that cute shit.

To be honest with you, prom isn't what I was expecting it to be. Sure the atmosphere was fun, everybody was up and dancing and having a good time. But something felt off, I felt uncomfortable.

"I can't believe I spent over one hundred dollars on this." John yelled over the music to me.

"I know right? This is wack! We'd have better fun somewhere else for way less money." I said back.

"Let's leave then." He said glancing over at the door.

"What? We can't leave yet it's only ten."

He shrugged, "Who says when you can and can't leave? You and Melissa aren't having very much fun. Let's go to the beach or something."

And just like that John, Melissa, and I ditched prom for the beach. I know what you're thinking. Why would we ditch prom for something that's always gonna be there? Prom only happens once but the beach will be there forever. You can go to the beach whenever you want no matter where or how old you are. So why did we go?

Well...I like to make things my own. By going to the beach, I've made prom so much more memorable and enjoyable.

So as I sit back in the sand and watch John and Melissa ruin their expensive outfits in the salty ocean water, I can't help but smile. The beach is deserted, as if everyone else got the memo that we wanted it all to ourselves tonight. I look at them and so many feelings encompass my heart. I wanna cry because I'm happy, I'm so happy and content with my life and the people in it. I wanna cry because I'm scared, I'm so scared of what the future will bring and if these people will still be in it ten years from now.

I can only hope so. I know it's a cliche but I can honestly say I never want this moment to end. I never want this feeling of happiness and content to leave, I never want these people to leave. I wish wouldn't have left my phone in the truck so I can take a picture of the memory in front of me. Cause at least I'd have something to remember this night years down the line when I'll need it most.

But right now, all that doesn't matter. I'll brace my heart for the heartbreak I'm bound to experience now or later. But at the same time, I'll open my heart to new things and people if it means bringing me happiness.

"Ren! What the hell are you doing? Come on in, the waters freezing cold!" John screams while splashing it against Melissa.

Never change John

Well guys, I'm sorry it ended so soon. Trust me when I say I had plans to make this story better and longer. But in the last 6 months, I have logged into Wattpad maybe once. I felt so guilty never finishing this story and by doing this just know it'll make me feel so much better.

Some of you might be wondering why I didn't include a sex scene or really go into depth with Ren and Melissa's relationship. Well this book from the start was supposed to really focus on Ren and John's friendship and the comedic values behind it. I just wanted this book to be semi funny.

Maybe in the future I'll write bonus chapters of when they went to the Kanye concert, or the play, Ren and Melissa's first time sleeping together, stuff like that. No promises though.

With that, I want to thank everyone that has supported this story in any way. When I first started writing this I didn't think it would get as many views and votes as it has. So thank you. Seriously. LOVE YOU GUYS, PEACE OUT! :)

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