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Right now, I was sitting down inside my tent with my journal in my lap. The day had been spent walking around and memorizing certain things that would lead us back to camp. Spencer even tied different colored pieces of rope to indicate how far we were away from camp.

John also tripped once while we were walking around. He fell head first into the wet floor and stained up his shirt. He had a frown on his face for the rest of the day. It was still hilarious though.

I heard somebody start to unzip my tent open and I turned to see Spencer pop his head in through the opening, "Hey can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Yeah sure." He motioned for me to follow him. Everybody was settling down and getting ready for bed. Chase and Jason did not look very happy though. I can't blame them, they both publicly humiliated each other which gives them enough reason to hate each other.

Spencer turned towards me and kept his voice low, "So I've got some bad news. We are running extremely low on gas. I've got two gas canisters with me and I'm gonna walk down to the town that's not too far from here. Until then I'm leaving you in charge."

I scrunched my face together in confusion, "Wait.... you can't be serious Spencer. Why can't you just wait until morning? And why didn't you go earlier when the sun was still out?"

"I didn't go earlier because I was watching you guys. Now that it's night time I figure it can't be too hard to watch over them since they'll mainly be sleeping. Come on just this once, please?"

I sighed and ran my hands over my face, "Fine! But please, hurry back. I don't want to be left with a lot of responsibility for too long."

Spencer smiled and bent down to grab both gas canisters, "I'll be back. Tell the others where I've gone and that you're in charge. Also tell them I said they're fired if they don't listen to you. Bye!"

I watched as he started to walk away from the campsite with nothing but two gas canisters and a headlamp on. Figuring it'd be best to tell the others what happened, I called everyone out of their tents. What was I gonna say exactly?

I mean our only supervision and solid figure that was keeping us from doing whatever the hell we wanted has just left us temporarily and left me in charge! I hoped everyone would behave because if something bad happened it would all be on me.

Everyone gathered around me with grumpy looks on their faces.

John was the first to speak up, "Ren what the hell? I was trying to get my beauty sleep."

Melissa started to look around, "Where's Spencer?"

I scratched the back of my head, "Well he said the bus was running low on gas so he's walking down to the nearest town to get us some. He said it was just in case we needed to get out of here in hurry. Like if there was a fire or something."

Nobody said anything so after about thirty seconds I decided to speak up, "And he also left me in charge so everyone please behave."

Jason started to stretch and yawned, "Yeah whatever. I'm gonna go to bed." Everyone silently agreed with him and went back to their tents. After everyone was securely in their tents, I did a little dance with myself. That was actually a lot easier than I thought. I'm suprised no one asked any questions or cared. But I'm glad they didn't because I was just about ready for bed.

I walked over to my tent and crawled inside, making sure to zip it closed behind me.

I went to turn off the little lamp that we had on but Melissa spoke up, "What are you doing?"

Not Again! (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now