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November 1st

I somehow managed to get sand in my hair! All that effort, for nothing.

"What's that?" John asked while setting his tray down on the table.

"A journal."

He chuckled, "You mean a diary?"

"No it's a journal. Something totally different from a diary."

"Mhm, keep telling yourself that."

I rolled my eyes before closing the journal and setting it on the table.

"I have so much to tell you." John said.

"Oh yeah, how was your date?"

He rolled his eyes, "You want the long story or the short one?"

"The long one since we have time."

He sighed, "Well I get all dressed up, but not too dressed up. You know, something I could easily slip out of if the need arises."

"Nasty." I chuckled out.

"Anyways back to my story. So when I get there he greets me at the door, looking just as good as he did in the pictures. But then he leads me further into the house and I see a girl sitting on the couch. So I think to myself, maybe his sister hasn't left yet to go trick-or-treating, but she wasn't dressed in a costume and she looked too old to be trick-or-treating."

He grabs my arm before continuing, "Then he says, 'this is my girlfriend Sasha.' Immediately I think, well then what the hell am I doing here? But he says 'Now I know you must be confused but just hear me out. Sasha and I have been wanting to experience having a threesome and we think you're the perfect guy to try it with.'

My eyes widened, "What'd you say?!"

He scoffed, "You don't actually think I went through with it?"

"Well I...yeah." I said before laughing.

"You're deeply mistaken. First of all, if they wanted a threesome, why weren't they upfront about it? It doesn't matter anyways, I told them that you had called me and said you needed me right away."

"Oh so you used me as your excuse?"

"Yup. Hope you don't mind." We both laughed.

"That reminds me, how was the party?" John asked.

"Party? What- oh wait, we didn't go to the party."

John raised one eyebrow and I held one hand up, "Now hold on, before you start, let me explain."

"Ok then." He said before leaning back in his chair.

"Well...it wasn't me that suggested we don't go to the party, I swear! I was about eighty five percent sure I wanted to go to the party and as long as she was there, I was willing to go. But when she got in the car, she said she didn't wanna go to the party anymore. So after a while we decided to go to the beach."

"You're leaving out the part when I told that old man to kill himself." Melissa said before sitting down in the seat next to me.

"No offense, but why are you here?" I asked sounding lost.

She gasped before flicking the side of my head, "Offense taken you ding dong. Anyways, my so called 'friends' are away for lunch and they forgot to invite me. So here I am. Although, Destiny isn't with them because she's been home sick for quite some time now. She said it's about a rash that she got during the camping trip we took. But she refuses to tell me how she got it or where it is. Huh, weird right?"

Not Again! (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now