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"Never again." John groaned while pressing an ice pack to his leg.

Right after the football players threw us down that hill, John and I went back to the locker room to grab our things. He almost set the suits on fire but I convinced him not to.

"It'd be a service to everyone!" I remember him saying. So we find ourselves now in the solidarity of my room.

"Agreed." I said. It honestly would've been better if we just went to the game on our own. No costumes and definitely no pranks.

"That bitch Bailey better give us our free prom tickets or someone's getting a kick to the throat." John snarled.

"And...those boys deal with all that just for a quick flash of boobs? It's honestly not worth it." I said with a chuckle.

"You got that right. Those cheerleaders aren't packing much." John said before shrugging. I shook my head at him before sighing.

Just then I overheard my mom having a converstation with someone downstairs. I didn't think anything of it at first because if there was anyone who could talk for hours on the phone, it was definitely my mom.

But she clearly wasn't on the phone because I could hear the other person responding back to everything she said. The talking suddenly stopped and I'll admit, I got a little curious. So I stood up and began walking out of my room to go see who she was talking to when I collided with someone.

"Sorry!" Melissa said. She was now dressed in a thick black sweater and jeans. How she managed to look so good in something so causal was beyond me.

"It's fine really." I said confusedly. I quickly shut the door to my room so John wouldn't hear us talking. I didn't want him saying anything embarrassing.

"So uhh...no offense but, why are you here?" I asked her.

"Well I just wanted to come and further tell you guys how sorry I am." She said nervously.

I squinted my eyes at her, "Why are you really here?"

She let out a sigh, "Alright, you got me. I usually stay over at friend's house after games because that's around the time my dad gets home. And if I'm being honest, I don't like being there before he gets himself shit-faced."

"Ohhhh okay, I understand. Well, we could chill in my room if you want?" I said before reaching for the doorknob.

Melissa lightly grabbed my hand and pulled me towards her, "You won't tell anybody right?" She whispered.

I got slightly nervous, "Tell anybody what?"

She rolled her eyes, "About my dad! You dingus."

I discreetly let out sigh, "O-oh yeah, of course. I promise." She nodded her head before brushing past me into my room.

"Hello Melissa." John said while scrolling through something on his phone.

"How'd you know it was her?" I said closing the door behind me.

"Like you would let anybody else into your room." He said while chuckling.


"Oh my gosh!" Melissa yelled before rushing over to John.

Not Again! (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now