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It's finally up guys! Sorry it took so long :(((( Anyways, enjoy!
The next morning I awoke to loud music playing. I don't know about you, but for me, the absolute worst thing was being woken up by annoying sounds/people. Like dogs barking or people coming in your room and turning on the light.

But this was a first. After a minute or so I realized the song playing was Glamorous by Madonna.

"Dammit John." I quietly mumbled to myself. Sitting up, I saw Melissa sleeping in a new position. Nothing normal of course, but new. I quickly brushed my teeth and hair before finally going out into the living room to confront John.

When I stepped out, John was standing on the kitchen counter, shirtless, and dancing his butt off. I could smell that something was cooking but I couldn't tell what it was. That dingus was also dancing with a mixing bowl in both hands.

"Hey!" I said loud enough for him to hear me over the music. He jumped and almost dropped the mixing bowl on the floor.

Frowning at me, he hopped down and turned off the music, "You almost made me drop my pancake mix!"

I walked over next to him and smacked his arm, "Do you know what time it is?"

"Uh yeah, it's eight thirty." He said.

"That's too early for all this loud music! Someone is gonna come knock on our door to complain soon." I said, a little worried.

"Pfft, you take Spanish right? I'm one hundred percent certain no one here speaks any Spanish. So when someone comes to complain, just start saying random words." John said while pouring the pancake mix in a pan.

I laughed, "Since when do you know how to cook?"

"I don't, but Google sure does." John said while showing me the recipe he found on his phone.

I rolled my eyes, "I should've known." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Melissa stumbling out of the bedroom in a sleepy daze.

"What's with all the yelling?" She asked frowning.

"John over here thought it would be a good idea to blast music this early in the morning." I said glaring at him.

She squinted her eyes, "You guys woke me up." Then I heard her mumble 'bastards' to herself.

"What was that?" I asked teasingly.

"I didn't say anything." She said while looking down. "Hey can one of you help me turn on the shower? I've never had one this fancy so I don't know how it works."

"Not it." John said quickly.

I glared at him, "Fine, I'll help you." Melissa smiled and walked back into room.

John bumped my shoulder and whispered, "I'm doing this to help you get some action Ren. The least you can do is thank me."

I looked over his shoulder and chuckled at the pancake that was now surely burnt to a crisp, "And the least you can do is not burn the pancakes."

John's eyes got wide before he raced over to the stove in a failed attempt to save the pancake. Realizing that the pancake was too burnt to save, he scooped it up with a spatula and flung it into the sink. I laughed and went into the bedroom to help Melissa.

When I rounded the corner I saw that she was brushing her teeth while looking down at her phone. Oh man, I couldn't pass up this opportunity to scare the shit outta her. I kept my steps light and my breathing shallow as I crept up behind her, all the while I had the biggest urge to just bust out laughing. I had always been the worst at prank calls and scaring people. I remember I'd hide behind doors waiting for the victim to walk by, but I'd end up laughing so hard that they'd hear me. Honestly, I think I'm just picturing their face when I scare them and that's the funniest thing to me.

Not Again! (Lesbian Story) (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now