Chapter 1.

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I limp. Walking slowly with Chloe asleep on my arm. I have cuts and bruises everywhere from the attack. The sky is grey and it's raining lightly. I look around me and see everything is gone.

Buildings are crumpled, bits and pieces still crumbling off of them. Houses and shops are destroyed. Dead people lying around everywhere. Seeing it all makes me wonder, why would someone want to do this to an innocent city?

I walk over cement blocks, power lines and broken pieces of glass. I'm making my way to the hospital. I think back to then it first started.

The bombs falling, people screaming. She was running as fast as she could. I could've helped her. But it was too late. She was lying there one minute and the next she disappeared.

That's why I'm going to the hospital. To find her.

I see two people wearing green up ahead and stop in my tracks. I look around and catch my breath, I've been walking for an hour straight.

"Hey!" I croak. One of them looks in my direction. I wave my hand about and continue walking slowly towards them. They run towards me and I can see them clearly through the smoke now.

Ambulance officers. I breathe out a sigh of relief. The nurse takes Chloe from my arm and carries her towards the hospital that I can faintly see up ahead.

"Come with us. We will help you sir." The doctor says to me. He loops his arm across my waist and helps me walk, following the nurse.

"How did the hospital survive all of this?" I breathe heavily.

"They didn't target any hospitals or clinics. It was very confusing. No one knows who they are that did it. Hopefully we find out soon before anything more tragic happens." He says to me.

We get to the hospital and it is packed with people. Bleeding, sick, injured and dying. The doctor leads me down the hallway and opens up a room door.

Chloe sleeps on the hospital bed, snuggled under the covers.

"Don't you think it would be more wise to have someone in a more critical condition to be seen before me?" I say to him. He shakes his head.

"You have a young daughter and I can see that you have had it tough today, sir." He says handing me a clipboard and pen, "I will get you to fill out these so we know your identification and I'll go get you some painkillers and some food."

"Thank you doc." I say to him. He gives me an apologetic smile and leaves the room, closing the door behind him. I begin the fill out the forms.

After about 5 minutes the doctor comes in with a tray of sandwiches and water. He places them down into the counter and comes over to collect the forms.

He reads through them and shoots his head up, looking at me with wide eyes. I look at him confusingly.

"Tris Prior-Eaton?" He says to me. I wince as those words leave his mouth. I nod my head and look at the floor.

"I revived her from her heart failure 3 and a half years ago." He says to me. I look up at him and nod my head.

"Is she here? Have you seen her?" I ask him. He shakes his head. I sigh and my head falls into my hands.

Tears cloud my vision as the thought of her missing keeps taunting me. I look up and see the doctor leaning against the door way, looking at me with sad eyes.

"Can I borrow a phone? I-I need to make sure my friends are okay-y" I croak. He nods his head and takes out her cellphone. He hands it to me after unlocking it.

"Thank you so much, doc. Can I ask you a question?" I say to him.

"Anything."  He says. I look beside me and find a pen with some paper. I grab it and start writing.

Uriah Pedrad.
Zeke Pedrad.
Shauna Harris.
Christina Madden.

(A/N I made up the last names for Chris & Shauna)

I hand him the piece of paper. He reads through them and looks at me.

"I need you to find these people. They are all I have left if I don't find Tris. I'm gonna try calling them but if they are here then that's great if I can't contact them." I say to him.

He nods and walks out the door.

I can't be by myself with Chloe. I need my friends who are my family. Hopefully Tris is out there somewhere. And I'm gonna find her.

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