Chapter 5.

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Tobias POV // 11pm

I walk around Dauntless with Chloe holding my hand. We are currently walking towards the food shop to get somethings for our fridge.

Chloe and I live in an apartment on the third floor. There are six floors, the place is massive. I work as a security manager in the control rooms with Zeke and Uriah. My manager is Mason. He keeps an eye on me and pays me weekly.

I have never met the head boss. No cameras are situated in his office or the hallways which I find weird. I have asked Mason about it before and he doesn't know either.

We walk inside the small food shop and grab the things we need.

"Am I aloud to get some new knives for my birthday Dad?" She says looking at the matte black stainless steel set of throwing knives in the locked cabinet. She has gotten into knives and a bow at training.

"We'll see." I smile at her. She smiles back and continues to walk with me. I grab some bread and milk. I walk around to the fridges and grab some steak, sausages and some vegetables.

I walk up to the counter and place my stuff down.

"Hey Shauna." I smile at her.

"Hey Tobias! How have you been?" She says while scanning the food we got. She started working here when I started to work at the control rooms. She always give us discounts.

"Not bad. Chloe has being doing well at getting her techniques right with her knives and bow." I say getting out my money.

"That's awesome, Chloe!" She smiles down at her. She looks up at me, her smile disappearing. "Anything yet?"

I look down at my shoes. I know exactly what she is talking about.

"No. Not even a trace." I shake my head. She nods her head as I give her the money.

"You will find her. She has to be out there. You just have to give it sometime." She says to me.

I pick up the bags and look at her.

"Its been 5 years." I shake my head. "Goodbye, Shauna."

Chloe gives her a hug. Shauna slips a Chocolate egg into her hand and winks at her. Chloe whispers a small thank you.

I walk out with Chloe walking behind me, eating her Chocolate egg. We walk towards our apartment.

5 minutes later we arrive and entered through the door. I walk straight to the kitchen and put all the stuff away.

Chloe sits on the stool while twirling herself around on it. She looks at me and furrows her eyebrows.

"Mom isn't coming back is she?" She says looking down at her hands. I look at her with saddened eyes and bite my lip as I try to think of something to say.

"What makes you say that?" I ask her softly. She looks up at me. She looks exactly like her.

"Well you never talk about her. You cry sometimes and stare into space for hours on end. I know she isn't coming back because its been 5 years." She say struggling to say the last bit.

I walk over to her and engulf her in a hug as the tears well up in her eyes. I kiss her head and we stay there for ages, wondering where she is.


6:45pm // Same day.

Christina comes through the door and smiles at me.

"Hey, how are you?" I say hugging her.

"I'm okay. How about you?" She says walking towards Chloe and hugging her as well.

"Not bad." I nod towards her. "So you okay here with Chloe?"

"Yeah, I love hanging out with her. You are gonna be late for work if you don't get moving!" She chuckles.

"Yeah yeah. Its Sunday and they called me in to fill in for James who is sick." I shake my head while grabbing my bag and tying up my last shoe lace.

"Goodbye, Initiate!" I smile and kiss Chloe's forehead. She laughs.

"Bye guys!" I say while walking out the door and heading towards the control rooms. I have never worked this late before considering I work from 8am till 5pm.

I go down the small flight of stairs. I turn left and walk down the hallway continuing on till I reach the door. I put in my passcode:


The door slides open revealing all the workers concentrating on their computers. I sit down in my chair and turn on my computer putting in the same password as my door code.

I open up the cameras and look at them all. Nothing exciting ever happens much, only the occasional factionless fight or someone show lifing.

I look at the bottom right camera and see a small group of people walking into the elevator.

A couple seconds later they appear on the top floor. Sector 2.

"Hey. I didn't know we there were cameras in sector 2." I say to Sammy beside me.

"They turn them on after 6pm. That same group of people walk in that elevator everyday and enter a certain room." He explains.

"Do you know who they are and what that room has in it?"

"Leaders and Special Officers. No one knows what's in there besides them." He says.

I nod my head and take a look at the people in the group. I see 3 women and 2 men walking together out of the small room.

I see a women with short dirt blonde hair and a skinny figure. She reminds me of someone.

She turns her head and a clear shot of her face appears on the screen.

I freeze and blink a couple times to make sure I'm not hallucinating. I pause the camera and zoom in on her face.

That's when I know it's her.


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