Chapter 16.

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Tris POV.

I wake up on the cold pavement, pain rushing through my body. My eyes flutter open and I make myself sit up, leaning my back against the stone wall. I try and make out where I am but all I can see is that I'm in the Dauntless Compound, in one of the lower levels.

I'm in one of the halls, not stuck in some dark room either chained to a pole or tied to a chair. I'm out, I'm free. I get up, limping my way around the halls trying to find my way back to Tobias's apartment.

I need to find Christina so we can focus on getting Tobias, before anything serious happens.

I meet a stairwell that goes up. I go up each stair carefully so the pain doesn't increase but at the same time going as fast as I can. I finally see people and thats when I realize I'm in The Pit.

I stumble as my vision becomes blurry. A lady comes up behind me and helps me stand still. I snap my head around and look at her.

"Who-o are you?" I croak, holding onto my stomach.

"I'm Johanna, I am the Dauntless-Born Instructor. Do you need any help?" She says, looking at me with caution.

My eyes widen, if she is an Instructor then she might've trained Chloe!

"Do you know where Chloe Prior lives? I need to find her urgently." I rush, ignoring the pain in my chest when I speak.

"Level 3, Apartment number 4. May I ask who you are?"

"I'm Tris Prior, her mom."

Before she could continue I rush towards the stairwell and hurry up the stairs. My body has gone numb, I can't feel a thing.

I reach Level 3 and limp towards room 4. I bang on the door and the door immediately opens...Christina.

"Tris!" She yells, engulfing me in a large hug that warms my body. She helps me inside and I see the gang, each and every one of them.

"Guys..." I whisper as Uriah runs over to hug me, tears pooling in his eyes as he clutches me tight. He lets go, letting Zeke hug me next.

"Wheres Chloe?" I croak, looking around.

"I'm here Mom." She says, walking out behind Uriah. Her dirty blonde (brownish blonde) curls falling just below her shoulders. My girl.

I fall to my knees as she runs to me, engulfing me in the biggest hug. I plant kisses all over her face.

"Where's dad?" She says looking behind me.

I look down, "Marlene."

"What?" Christina says, sitting up. I take a deep breath,

"She has Tobias and she told me when I was alone that-t..." I stand up as my hands begin to get sweaty.

"Tris?" Uriah says coming over to me. 

"They are making him into the war machine."

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