Chapter 3.

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Unknown POV // 

I am limping. Everything hurts. Someone beside me has their arm wrapped around my waist, helping me walk. We have been walking for ages now, we are far away from the city.

I have no idea what happened or where I am going but I just walk, following where the person is taking me. 

"We are almost there." She says. Its a girl but I can't see her face. She is taller and skinnier than I am, her muscles toned.

"Where?" I croak. She doesn't answer. We walk down a flight of stairs and stop in our tracks. I hear her knock on a door and it opens. We limp inside and I can see her now.

She has a dark mop of hair with strands of green dye. Her face and olive skin are flawless. She wears dark clothes and has a tattoo on her neck.

I look around the place and see heaps of people staring at me, some of them gasping. I look to my side and see a talk dark man wearing a black leather jacket with a notebook in his hand.

He looks at me like he is inspecting me. I stare at him with confusion.

"Where am I?" I ask them. He looks at the lady who still has her arm wrapped around my waist.

"You sure it's her?" He asks her.

"Why the hell is no one answering me?" I say loudly.

"It's her alright."

He walks down a series of hallways as we follow behind him. We enter a well lit room and there is a man standing behind the white curvy desk. 

"Sit." He says calmly. I stay standing. He looks up at me.

"Some manners would be nice." I fake smile at him. He sighs deeply,


I take a seat in the black chair. The man has both sides of his head shaved, two piercings above his right eyebrow and multiple tattoos on his body.

"Okay, we are going to tell you whats going on." He says turning towards me.


"Over the past 20 years there has been a secret head quarters hidden beneath Chicago. We have been watching everyone, especially you."

"Why me?" I croak. 

He looks down at his hands and back up. "Do you remember anything at all?"

"I know my name, age and my parents. Nothing else. Not what happened today." I say.

"Tell me what you know." He says, his eyebrows furrowing. 

"I feel like I remember everything. How old I am, my name and stuff but I just don't remember the people around me. I'm 23 years old, I live in Chicago, I don't know where my parents are,

And my name is Tris Prior.


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